ReplayManager.BeginPlaybackFrame Method

Ultimate Replay

ReplayManagerBeginPlaybackFrame Method
Use this method to set the current playback at a specific replay frame. This will allow the state of a specific replay frame to be restored but will not continue playback which will provide a freeze frame effect. Use SetPlaybackFrame(Single, PlaybackOrigin) or SetPlaybackFrameNormalized(Single, PlaybackOrigin) before calling this method to specify the exact location at which the playback frame should be sampled. Use StopPlayback to unfreeze the still frame and return to normal game mode. This method will ignore the value of endReplayAfterPlayback as only a single frame is replayed. As a result you will need to call StopPlayback when you want to end the playback frame.

Namespace: UltimateReplay
Assembly: UltimateReplay (in UltimateReplay.dll) Version: (
public static void BeginPlaybackFrame()
See Also