ReplaySnapshot Class

Ultimate Replay

ReplaySnapshot Class
A frame state is a snapshot of a replay frame that is indexed based on its time stamp. By sequencing multiple frame states you can create the replay effect.
Inheritance Hierarchy
SystemObject  UltimateReplay.StorageReplaySnapshot

Namespace: UltimateReplay.Storage
Assembly: UltimateReplay (in UltimateReplay.dll) Version: (
public sealed class ReplaySnapshot : IReplaySerialize, 

The ReplaySnapshot type exposes the following members.

Public methodReplaySnapshot
Create a new snapshot with the specified time stamp.
Public methodOnReplayDataDeserialize
Called by the replay system when this ReplaySnapshot should be deserialized from binary.
Public methodOnReplayDataSerialize
Called by the replay system when this ReplaySnapshot should be serialized to binary.
Public methodOnReplayDeserialize
Called by the replay system when this ReplaySnapshot should be deserialized.
Public methodOnReplaySerialize
Called by the replay system when this ReplaySnapshot should be serialized.
Public methodRecordInitialReplayObjectData
Attempts to record the initial information about a newly created replay object. The initial information will only be sroted if the data is not equal to the default value.
Public methodRecordSnapshot
Registers the specified replay state with this snapshot. The specified identity is used during playback to ensure that the replay objects receives the correct state to deserialize.
Public methodReset
Clears all state information from the snapshot but keeps the time stamp.
Public methodRestoreInitialReplayObjectData
Attempts to get the initial data for the replay object with the specified ReplayIdentity. A ReplayInitialData will be returned containing the initial state for the replay object.
Public methodRestoreReplayObjects
Attempts to restore any replay objects that were spawned or despawned during this snapshot.
Public methodRestoreSnapshot
Attempts to recall the state information for the specified replay object identity. If the identity does not exist in the scene then the return value will be null.
Public propertySize
Get the size in bytes of the snapshot data.
Public propertyTimeStamp
The time stamp for this snapshot. The time stamp is used to identify the snapshot location in the sequence.
See Also