BitConverterNonAlloc Class

Ultimate Replay

BitConverterNonAlloc Class
Custom implmenetation of the BitConverter class that does not make any allocations. This is important as the methods may be called thousands of times per second.
Inheritance Hierarchy
SystemObject  UltimateReplay.UtilBitConverterNonAlloc

Namespace: UltimateReplay.Util
Assembly: UltimateReplay (in UltimateReplay.dll) Version: (
public static class BitConverterNonAlloc

The BitConverterNonAlloc type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberGetBool
Retreive a 8-bit bool from the specified byte array.
Public methodStatic memberGetBytes(Byte, Boolean)
Store an 8-bit bool into the specified byte array.
Public methodStatic memberGetBytes(Byte, Int16)
Store a 16 bit int into the specified byte array. The buffer to store the int which must have a size of 2 or greaterThe short value to store
Public methodStatic memberGetBytes(Byte, Int32)
Store a 32-bit int into the specified byte array.
Public methodStatic memberGetBytes(Byte, Single)
Store a 32-bit float into the specified byte array.
Public methodStatic memberGetFloat
Retreive a 32-bit float from the specified byte array.
Public methodStatic memberGetInt
Retreive a 32-bit int from the specified byte array.
Public methodStatic memberGetShort
Retreive a 16-bit int from the specified byte array.
See Also