ReplayVariable Class

Ultimate Replay

ReplayVariable Class
Represents a variable that can be recorded using the replay system in order to replay script animations or similar during playback.
Inheritance Hierarchy
SystemObject  UltimateReplay.CoreReplayVariable

Namespace: UltimateReplay.Core
Assembly: UltimateReplay (in UltimateReplay.dll) Version: (
public sealed class ReplayVariable : IReplaySerialize

The ReplayVariable type exposes the following members.

Public methodReplayVariable
Create a new ReplayVariable.
Public methodStatic memberCanInterpolate
Returns true if the specified type can be interpolated by the replay system.
Public methodInterpolate
Attempts to interpolate the ReplayVariable value using the values from the last and next frame.
Public methodStatic memberInterpolateByte
Default interpolator for byte.
Public methodStatic memberInterpolateColor
Default interpolator for Color.
Public methodStatic memberInterpolateColor32
Default interpolator for Color32.
Public methodStatic memberInterpolateDouble
Default interpolator for double.
Public methodStatic memberInterpolateFloat
Default interpolator for float.
Public methodStatic memberInterpolateInt
Default interpolator for int.
Public methodStatic memberInterpolateLong
Default interpolator for long.
Public methodStatic memberInterpolateQuat
Default interpolator for Quaternion.
Public methodStatic memberInterpolateShort
Default interpolator for short.
Public methodStatic memberInterpolateValue
Attempts to interpolate the ReplayVariable value using the values from the last and next frame. In order for interpolation to succeed, the last and next values must be of the same type.
Public methodStatic memberInterpolateVec2
Default interpolator for Vector2.
Public methodStatic memberInterpolateVec3
Default interpolator for Vector3.
Public methodStatic memberInterpolateVec4
Default interpolator for Vector4.
Public methodOnReplayDeserialize
Called by the replay system when the variable should be deserialized.
Public methodOnReplaySerialize
Called by the replay system when the variable should be serialized.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterCustomInterpolatorT
Allows a custom interpolation method to be registered so that unsupported variable types can be interpolated automatically.
Public methodUpdateValueRange
Sets the current interpolation range for the ReplayVariable value.
Public propertyAttribute
Get the ReplayVarAttribute associated with this ReplayVariable.
Public propertygameObject
Get the game object that this ReplayVariable is attached to.
Public propertyIsInterpolated
Returns true if this ReplayVariable should be interpolated between frames.
Public propertyIsInterpolationSupported
Returns true if this ReplayVariable supports interpolation. Interpolation can only be supported if the variable type has a registered interpolator.
Public propertyName
Get the name of this ReplayVariable.
Public propertyValue
The current value for this ReplayVariable.
See Also