ReplayManager Properties

Ultimate Replay

ReplayManager Properties

The ReplayManager type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public property Static member CurrentPlaybackTime
Get the current playback time in seconds. This value will never be greater than duration.
Public property Static member CurrentPlaybackTimeNormalized
Get the current playback time as a normalized value between 0-1. 0 represents the starting frame of the recording and 1 represents the very last frame of the recording.
Public property Static member IsPaused
Returns true when the active replay manager is in any paused state. Paused states could include Playback_Paused or Recording_Paused.
Public property Static member IsRecording
Returns true if the manager is currently recording the scene. Note: If recording is paused this value will still be true.
Public property Static member IsReplaying
Returns true if the manager is currently playing back previously recorded replay data. Note: if playback is paused this value will still be true.
Public property Static member PlaybackDirection
Gets the current PlaybackDirection of replay playback.
Public property Static member Preparer
Access the current IReplayPreparer that the active replay manager will use to prepare game objects for replay. By default a DefaultReplayPreparer is used.
Public property Static member Replay
Get the active replay manager in the scene. If no replay manager could be found then one will be created with default settings. This property may be null in a rare case where the active replay manager was destroyed in the same frame as an application quit event was issued. In this situation the replay manager cannot be recreated as it would cause leaked objects.
Public property Static member Scene
Get the ReplayScene associated with the replay system.
Public property Static member Target
The current replay target that is being used to store the replay data. By default, the replay target is ReplayMemoryTarget.
See Also