Dynamic Generation:Initial State

NI Digital Waveform Generator/Analyzer

Dynamic Generation:Initial State

Short Name: InitialState

Specifies a dynamic generation channel state after the session is initiated and before the first waveform sample is generated. The channel changes to the Initial state once the data operation has been initiated. When the start trigger occurs, the Initial state is replaced by the first sample in the waveform.

Channels explicitly disabled with the niHSDIO Tristate Channels VI remain disabled, but the channel data value changes internally. Re-enabling a channel with the niHSDIO Tristate Channels VI while the device is waiting for a Start trigger causes the channel to go to its Initial state.

This property is valid only for generation sessions.

Tristate (24) Sets the channel to a high-impedance state.
Note  NI 656x devices do not support the tristate Initial state.
Logic high (1) Sets the channel to a logic-high (high level) state.
Logic low (0) Sets the channel to a logic-low (low level) state.
Hold last value (27) The channel retains its previous value.


The following table lists the characteristics of this property.

Data Type ViInt32
Permissions R/W
Channel Based Yes