
NI Digital Waveform Generator/Analyzer


Specific Function

C Function Prototype

ViStatus niHSDIO_ConfigureIdleState (ViSession vi, ViConstString channelList, ViConstString idleState);


Sets the Idle state for a dynamic generation operation. The Idle state may be active in a variety of conditions:

  • The generation operation completes normally.
  • The generation operation pauses from an active Pause trigger.
  • The generation operation terminates due to an underflow error.

Valid Syntax:

Both of these examples are valid and do the same thing. The order of channelList determines the order of the pattern string.

niHSDIO_ConfigureIdleState(vi, "19-0", "0000 0XXX XX11 111Z ZZZZ");

niHSDIO_ConfigureIdleState(vi, "0-19", "ZZZZ Z111 11XX XXX0 0000");


Name Type Description
vi ViSession This handle identifies your instrument session. vi was obtained from niHSDIO_InitGenerationSession.
channelList ViConstString Specifies which channels will have their idle value set using the idleState string. The order of channels in channelList determines the order of the idleState string.
idleState ViConstString Describes the Idle state of a dynamic generation operation. This expression is composed of the following characters:
  • 'X' or 'x': keeps the previous value
  • '1': sets the channel to logic high
  • '0': sets the channel to logic low
  • 'Z' or 'z': disables the channel (sets it to high-impedance)
Note  NI 656x devices do not support the high-impedance (Z) Idle state.
The first character in the expression corresponds to the first channel in channelList. The number of characters in pattern must equal the number of channels specified in channelList, or NI-HSDIO returns an error.

The default state of a channel is to keep the previous value.

Return Value