Units of Measure Usage in Inventory Control

Sage ERP Accpac Inventory Control 6.0

Units of Measure Usage in Inventory Control

Units of measure are the quantities in which you buy, sell, price, and stock your goods. Inventory Control now lets you set up a centralized list of the units of measure that you use for your inventory items, along with conversion factors for converting between different units, so you can add them more easily to item records.

Note the following points concerning units of measure:

  • The conversion factor for a stocking unit of measure is always 1.

  • You must choose the Allow Fractional Quantities option in the I/C Options form to enter conversion factors that involve fractions.

  • You must also choose the Allow Fractional Quantities option if you want to ship fractions of the stocking unit.

Using Only Defined Units of Measure

This option only affects new inventory items or new units of measure that you add to existing items. If you turn on this option, it will have no effect on existing items unless you add new units of measure to item records.

  • If you choose the Use Only … setting, you can only use inventory units of measure that you have already defined in new inventory item records.

  • If you do not choose this setting, you can specify any units of measure for new inventory items — whether or not they have been added to Inventory Control.

You may want to leave this option unselected if you use a basic list of units for most of your items, but have some records that use a completely different set of units of measure.