Using the Clear History form

Sage ERP Accpac Inventory Control 6.0

Using the Clear History Form

  1. Double-click the Clear History icon in the Periodic Processing folder.

  2. To clear transaction history, select the Transaction History option, then select the year and period up to which to clear history.

  3. To clear transaction statistics, select the Transaction Statistics option, then select the year and period up to which to clear statistics.

  4. To clear sales statistics, select the Sales Statistics option, then select the year and period up to which to clear statistics, and the range and type of records to clear.

  5. To clear printed posting journals, select the Printed Posting Journals option, then select the type of posting journal to clear and the day-end number up to which to clear.

  6. To clear item labels that you printed from receipts, select the Printed Labels option, then specify the range of receipt numbers to clear.

  7. To clear contract prices that are no longer valid, select the Expired Contract Prices option, and then specify the expiry date that you want to include.

  8. To clear transactions, select the Transactions option, then specify the most recent transaction date that you want to clear.

Note that you cannot drill down to deleted transactions, or do returns for deleted receipts.

  1. To clear serial numbers, select the Serial Numbers option and specify the date up to which you want to clear the numbers. You can also choose to clear numbers that have expired contract information.

  2. To clear lot numbers, select the Lot Numbers option and specify the date up to which you want to clear the numbers. You can also choose to clear numbers that have expired contract information.

  3. To clear serial number history, select the Serial History option and specify the date up to which you want to clear. You can also choose to clear history with expired warranty information.

  4. To clear lot number history, select the Lot History option and specify the date up to which you want to clear. You can also choose to clear history with expired warranty information.

  5. Select process to clear the specified data.