On File or In Stock
Print [ ] Labels. Enter the number of copies to print of each label.
Location. Enter the location or use the Finder to select the location for which to print labels.
Price List. Enter the price list code or use the Finder to select the code for the price list that contains the items for which you want to print labels.
Currency. If you use multicurrency accounting, enter the price list code or use the Finder to select the code for the currency of the price list to use.
Sort by. Specify the order in which to generate labels. You can choose:
Item Number. Generates labels in order by item numbers.
Category. Generates labels sorted by item categories specified for the report.
Item Segment. Generates labels sorted by items that contain the specified segment in their item numbers, grouped by the specified range of segment codes.
Picking Sequence. Generates labels in order of item picking sequence codes (used, for example, to specify the bin or shelf where the item is stored at your locations).
Optional Field Entries. Generates labels sorted by the contents of the selected optional field. These choices appear only if you have added optional text fields using the Optional Fields form.