Customer Item Numbers

Sage ERP Accpac Inventory Control 6.0

Customer Item Numbers

Inventory Control 5.4 lets you associate customer item numbers with your inventory item records. Customer item numbers are often required for large customers, where the customer uses their stock numbers when ordering from you. You may have any number of customer item numbers associated with a single item in your inventory.

Customer item numbers are particular to the customer and also specify the customer’s unit of measure, so different customers can use the same number for different items.

When you add a customer item number, you:

  • Choose the item from your inventory.

  • Specify the customer.

  • Enter the customers’ item number and their description of the item.

  • Enter the unit of measure.

  • Enter relevant comments and particular instructions for handling or shipping.

Note: Customer item numbers are available in Sage ERP Accpac 500 only.