Sage ERP Accpac Order Entry
If you use Order Entry, the prices Order Entry displays for items come from this price list (if it has a price in the customer’s currency).
Whether the item is a regular stock item that you store in your inventory, or a non-stock item such as a service charge, kitting item, or other item which you do not store in your physical inventory.
Whether the item has serial numbers that you track.
(Optional) The item number of an item in your inventory that you want to be an alternate for the item record you are adding. An alternate item is an item that you want to ship when the regular item is out of stock.
The stocking unit of measure (such as each or dozen), which is the unit Inventory Control uses to report stock levels for the item.
If you did not select the Allow Fractional Quantities option in the Options form, the stocking unit is the smallest unit of measure you can specify.
(Optional) Other units of measure for the item (based on the stocking unit) by which you purchase or sell the item.
(Optional) Tax information, including the taxing authority, and tax classes for purchases and sales of the item.