ZipService Example
This form allows the creation of zip archive files and for existing zip archive files to be opened, reviewed and modified. Zip file contents can also be extracted to a specified directory.
Modify the default values to be displayed to suit your site.
* Uses Integrator Services: ZIPSERVICE
* This form is a very simple Windows Zip file processor.
* It allows you to:
* - create zip files
* - open existing zip files and list their contents
* - add files or folders to the open zip file
* - extract the contents of a zip file to a specified folder
* NOTE: This program is provided only to demonstrate usage of
* the ZipService. To keep it simple, it has rudimentary error
* handling and does not necessarily demonstrate recommended or
* efficient programming technique or user interface design.
* The following field must be defined in your repository:
* filepath string 512
* jsmsts alpha 20
* jsmmsg alpha 255
* jsmhdle char 500
* jsmcmd alpha 4
function options(*DIRECT)
begin_com role(*EXTENDS #PRIM_FORM) bordericons(SystemMenu) caption('LANSA Integrator ZipService RDMLX Sample') clientheight(435) clientwidth(738) formposition(ScreenCenter) framestyle(Dialog) height(469) left(439) top(115) width(746)
define_com class(#PRIM_APPL.ICommonDialogFileOpen) name(#openFileDlg) reference(*DYNAMIC)
define_com class(#PRIM_APPL.ICommonDialogFileSave) name(#saveFileDlg) reference(*DYNAMIC)
define_com class(#PRIM_LTVW) name(#LVContent) componentversion(2) displayposition(1) fullrowselect(True) height(366) left(9) parent(#COM_OWNER) showsortarrow(True) tabposition(1) top(35) width(416)
define_com class(#PRIM_LVCL) name(#LVCL_1) displayposition(1) parent(#LVContent) source(#FILEPATH) widthtype(Remainder)
define_com class(#PRIM_LABL) name(#LABL_1) caption('Zip contents:') displayposition(2) height(14) left(8) parent(#COM_OWNER) tabposition(2) tabstop(False) top(8) width(125)
define_com class(#PRIM_GPBX) name(#GPBX_1) caption('File:') displayposition(3) height(66) left(434) parent(#COM_OWNER) tabposition(3) tabstop(False) top(23) width(289)
define_com class(#PRIM_PHBN) name(#btnNew) caption('&New...') displayposition(1) left(20) parent(#GPBX_1) tabposition(1) top(21) width(100)
define_com class(#PRIM_PHBN) name(#btnOpen) caption('&Open...') displayposition(2) left(164) parent(#GPBX_1) tabposition(2) top(21) width(100)
define_com class(#PRIM_GPBX) name(#grpAdd) caption('Add:') displayposition(4) enablechildren(True) height(169) left(434) parent(#COM_OWNER) tabposition(4) tabstop(False) top(96) width(289)
define_com class(#PRIM_PHBN) name(#btnAddFile) caption('Add File...') displayposition(1) enabled(False) left(20) parent(#grpAdd) tabposition(1) top(22) width(100)
define_com class(#PRIM_PHBN) name(#btnAddFolder) caption('Add Folder:') displayposition(2) enabled(False) left(20) parent(#grpAdd) tabposition(2) top(71) width(100)
define_com class(#PRIM_LABL) name(#LABL_4) caption('Folder:') displayposition(7) height(18) left(140) parent(#grpAdd) tabposition(7) tabstop(False) top(76) width(125)
define_com class(#PRIM_EDIT) name(#edtAddFolder) displayposition(3) height(18) hint('Specifies the folder to add') left(139) parent(#grpAdd) showselection(False) showselectionhilight(False) tabposition(3) top(95) width(128)
define_com class(#PRIM_LABL) name(#lblAddBas) caption('Base:') displayposition(6) height(17) left(138) parent(#grpAdd) tabposition(6) tabstop(False) top(120) width(127)
define_com class(#PRIM_CMBX) name(#cboAddBas) comboboxstyle(DropDownList) componentversion(1) displayposition(5) height(18) left(138) parent(#grpAdd) showselection(False) showselectionhilight(False) tabposition(5) top(138) width(127)
define_com class(#PRIM_CBCL) name(#CBCL_1) displayposition(1) parent(#cboAddBas) source(#STD_INSTR)
define_com class(#PRIM_GPBX) name(#grpExtract) caption('Extract:') displayposition(5) enablechildren(True) height(129) left(434) parent(#COM_OWNER) tabposition(5) tabstop(False) top(272) width(289)
define_com class(#PRIM_PHBN) name(#btnExtractFile) caption('Extract to:') displayposition(1) left(20) parent(#grpExtract) tabposition(1) top(34) width(100)
define_com class(#PRIM_LABL) name(#LABL_3) caption('Folder:') displayposition(5) height(17) left(136) parent(#grpExtract) tabposition(5) tabstop(False) top(40) width(129)
define_com class(#PRIM_EDIT) name(#edtExtractFolder) displayposition(2) height(18) left(136) parent(#grpExtract) showselection(False) showselectionhilight(False) tabposition(2) top(56) width(128)
define_com class(#PRIM_STTC) name(#STTC_1) displayposition(4) height(3) left(20) parent(#grpAdd) tabposition(4) top(60) width(245)
define_com class(#PRIM_LABL) name(#lblExtBas) caption('Base:') displayposition(3) height(17) left(135) parent(#grpExtract) tabposition(3) tabstop(False) top(80) width(127)
define_com class(#PRIM_CMBX) name(#cboExtBas) comboboxstyle(DropDownList) componentversion(1) displayposition(4) height(18) left(136) parent(#grpExtract) showselection(False) showselectionhilight(False) tabposition(4) top(97) width(128)
define_com class(#PRIM_CBCL) name(#CBCL_2) displayposition(1) parent(#cboExtBas) source(#STD_INST2)
define_com class(#PRIM_STBR) name(#STBR_1) displayposition(6) height(24) left(0) messageposition(1) parent(#COM_OWNER) tabposition(6) tabstop(False) top(411) width(738)
define field(#bResult) type(*boolean)
define field(#bIgnore) type(*boolean)
define field(#zippath) type(*string)
define field(#ziptitle) type(*string)
define field(#caption) type(*string)
def_list name(#ziplist) fields(#filepath) type(*Working) entrys(*MAX)
def_list name(#cmdlist) fields(#std_num #std_name #std_textl #std_text) counter(#std_count) type(*Working) entrys(*MAX)
evtroutine handling(#com_owner.Initialize)
set com(#com_owner) caption(*component_desc)
* start local JSM server and load the ZipService
use builtin(jsmx_open) to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg #jsmhandle)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
#jsmcmd := 'service_load service(zipservice)'
use builtin(jsmx_command) with_args(#jsmhandle #jsmcmd) to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
evtroutine handling(#com_owner.Closing)
use builtin(jsmx_command) with_args(#jsmhandle 'service_unload') to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
use builtin(jsmx_close) with_args(#jsmhandle) to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
evtroutine handling(#com_owner.CreateInstance) options(*NOCLEARMESSAGES *NOCLEARERRORS)
* initial state
#com_owner.OnOpenArchive( false )
* load combo boxes
#std_instr #std_inst2 := '*NONE'
add_entry to_list(#cboAddBas)
add_entry to_list(#cboExtBas)
#std_instr #std_inst2 := '*CURRENT'
add_entry to_list(#cboAddBas)
add_entry to_list(#cboExtBas)
#cboAddBas.CurrentItem.Selected := True
#cboExtBas.CurrentItem.Selected := True
#std_instr #std_inst2 := '*PARENT'
add_entry to_list(#cboAddBas)
* put a hint in the folder edit boxes
#edtAddFolder.Value := '<type folder path>'
#edtExtractFolder.Value := '<type folder path>'
* Create an archive file
evtroutine handling(#btnNew.Click)
#sys_appln.CreateFileSaveDialog result(#saveFileDLG)
#saveFileDlg.AddFilter( 'Zip files (*.zip)' '*.zip' )
#saveFileDlg.AddFilter( 'All files (*.*)' '*.*' )
#saveFileDlg.Title := 'New'
#saveFileDlg.Show okpressed(#bResult) formowner(#com_self)
if (#bResult)
* close existing file
* create a zip file
#jsmcmd := 'create file(' + #saveFileDlg.file + ')'
use builtin(jsmx_command) with_args(#jsmhandle #jsmcmd) to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
* save details
#zippath := #saveFileDlg.file
#ziptitle := #saveFileDlg.file
#com_owner.OnOpenArchive( true )
#com_owner.caption := #saveFileDlg.file
* Select an archive file to open
evtroutine handling(#btnOpen.Click)
#sys_appln.CreateFileOpenDialog result(#OpenFileDLG)
#openFileDlg.AddFilter( 'Zip files (*.zip)' '*.zip' )
#openFileDlg.AddFilter( 'All files (*.*)' '*.*' )
#openFileDlg.Show okpressed(#bResult) formowner(#com_self)
if (#bResult)
* open the file
#com_owner.OpenFile( #openFileDlg.file #openFileDlg.filetitle )
#com_owner.caption := #openFileDlg.file
* select a file to add to the current archive
evtroutine handling(#btnAddFile.Click)
#sys_appln.CreateFileOpenDialog result(#OpenFileDLG)
#openFileDlg.AddFilter( 'All files (*.*)' '*.*' )
#openFileDlg.Show okpressed(#bResult) formowner(#com_self)
if (#bResult)
* open the current archive file
#jsmcmd := 'open file(' + #zippath + ') mode(*write) reaplce(*no)'
use builtin(jsmx_command) with_args(#jsmhandle #jsmcmd) to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
* add the specified file to the current archive
#jsmcmd := 'add file(' + #openFileDlg.file + ')'
use builtin(jsmx_command) with_args(#jsmhandle #jsmcmd) to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
* close the current archive file
#jsmcmd := 'close'
use builtin(jsmx_command) with_args(#jsmhandle #jsmcmd) to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
* reload archive contents
#com_owner.OpenFile( #zippath #ziptitle )
evtroutine handling(#btnAddFolder.Click)
* open the current archive file through the ZipService
#jsmcmd := 'open file(' + #zippath + ') mode(*write) replace(*no)'
use builtin(jsmx_command) with_args(#jsmhandle #jsmcmd) to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
* add the specified folder to the current archive
#jsmcmd := 'add path(' + #edtAddFolder.Value + ') base(' + #cboAddBas.Value + ')'
use builtin(jsmx_command) with_args(#jsmhandle #jsmcmd) to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
* close the current archive through the ZipService
use builtin(jsmx_command) with_args(#jsmhandle 'close') to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
* reload archive contents
#com_owner.OpenFile( #zippath #ziptitle )
evtroutine handling(#btnExtractFile.Click)
* open the current archive file through the ZipService
#jsmcmd := 'open file(' + #zippath + ') mode(*read)'
use builtin(jsmx_command) with_args(#jsmhandle #jsmcmd) to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
* extract archive contents to the specified folder
#jsmcmd := 'get entry(*read) to(' + #edtExtractFolder.Value + ') base(' + #cboExtBas.Value + ')'
use builtin(jsmx_command) with_args(#jsmhandle #jsmcmd) to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
* close the file
#jsmcmd := 'close'
use builtin(jsmx_command) with_args(#jsmhandle #jsmcmd) to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
* open or create a zip archive, or refresh the displayed contents of the current archive
mthroutine name(OpenFile)
define_map for(*input) class(#prim_alph) name(#iZipPath)
define_map for(*input) class(#prim_alph) name(#iZipTitle)
* close existing file
* open the file through the ZipService
#jsmcmd := 'open file(' + #iZipPath + ') mode(*read)'
use builtin(jsmx_command) with_args(#jsmhandle #jsmcmd) to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
* read the contents into the list box
clr_list named(#ziplist)
#jsmcmd := 'get entry(*list)'
use builtin(jsmx_command) with_args(#jsmhandle #jsmcmd) to_get(#jsmsts #jsmmsg #ziplist)
#com_owner.check( #jsmsts #jsmmsg )
selectlist named(#ziplist)
add_entry to_list(#LVContent)
* save details
#zippath := #iZipPath.Value
#ziptitle := #iZipTitle.Value
#com_owner.OnOpenArchive( true )
* Close the current archive
mthroutine name(CloseFile)
clr_list named(#LVContent)
#zippath := *null
#com_owner.OnOpenArchive( false )
* Set controls on open or close of archive
mthroutine name(OnOpenArchive)
define_map for(*input) class(#prim_boln) name(#iOpen)
#grpAdd.Enabled := #iOpen
#grpExtract.Enabled := #iOpen
* check the JSM return status
mthroutine name(check)
define_map for(*input) class(#jsmsts) name(#i_status)
define_map for(*input) class(#jsmmsg) name(#i_message)
message msgtxt(#i_status + ' : ' + #i_message)