4 11 Apache URL Rewriting

LANSA Integrator

4.11 Apache URL Rewriting

The Apache server provides a powerful way to do URL manipulations using Rewrite directives.

For more information refer to:



The following examples illustrate how to use these Rewrite directives.

Example 1

Rewrite URL: "/myservice.jsp?request=xml&service=neworder" to "/cgi-bin/jsmdirect?neworder"

Sample URL:

If the URL contains a service name value pair then /cgi-bin/jsmdirect?<value> is called else /cgi-bin/jsmdirect?default is call.


RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} service\=([^\&]+)

RewriteRule ^/myservice.jsp(.*) /cgi-bin/jsmdirect?%1 [L,PT]

RewriteRule ^/myservice.jsp(.*) /cgi-bin/jsmdirect?default [L,PT]


The RewriteCond checks the QUERY_STRING for service= and parameterizes any value that is not an & character.

If the condition is true it executes the next RewriteRule else this rule is skipped and the other rule is executed.


Query string is not available to the RewriteRule directive.

It has already been moved to the query_string environment variable by the time mod_rewrite is activated in a per-directory context.

RewriteCond is only good for the first RewriteRule which follows it.

It does not apply to subsequent RewriteRules, so the %1 backreference becomes undefined for the second, third and other RewriteRules.

Example 2

Rewrite URL: " /myservice.jsp?type=2&msgid=AXD&status=NEW" to "/cgi-bin/jsmdirect?myservice+type(2)msgid(AXD)+status(NEW)"


RewriteRule ^/myservice.jsp /myservice.jsp/%{QUERY_STRING} [C]

RewriteRule ^/myservice.jsp/type=([^\&]+)&msgid=([^\&]+)&status=([^\&]+) \

   /cgi-bin/jsmdirect?myservice+type($1)+msgid($2)+status($3) [L,PT]



Example 3

Rewrite URL: "/parts/00345" to "/cgi-bin/jsmdirect?orderbind+id(00345)"

Sample URL:


RewriteRule ^/parts/(.*) /cgi-bin/jsmdirect?orderbind+id($1) [L,PT]


Example 4

Rewrite URL: "/parts/00345/abc" to "/cgi-bin/jsmdirect?orderbind+id(00345)+item(abc)"

Sample URL:


RewriteRule ^/parts/(.*)/(.*) /cgi-bin/jsmdirect?orderbind+id($1)+item($2) [L,PT]


Sample Apache configuration file


# Apache Configuration - JSM Services

Options None


ServerRoot /www/jsmapache

DocumentRoot /www/jsmapache/htdocs

# DefaultFsCCSID  37

# DefaultNetCCSID 819



LogLevel Warn

LogCycle Daily

ErrorLog logs/error_log

CustomLog logs/access_log combined

LogFormat "%{User-agent}i" agent

LogFormat "%{Referer}i -> %U" referer

LogFormat "%{Cookie}n \"%r\" %t" cookie

LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common

LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined


SetEnvIf "User-Agent" "Mozilla/2" nokeepalive

SetEnvIf "User-Agent" "JDK/1\.0" force-response-1.0

SetEnvIf "User-Agent" "Java/1\.0" force-response-1.0

SetEnvIf "User-Agent" "RealPlayer 4\.0" force-response-1.0

SetEnvIf "User-Agent" "MSIE 4\.0b2;" nokeepalive

SetEnvIf "User-Agent" "MSIE 4\.0b2;" force-response-1.0


# StartCGI 1

# SendBufferSize 32768

# ReceiveBufferSize 32768


# Use name-based virtual hosting




  # The first virtual host directive will become the default host

  # This traps the use of the IP address, unsupported or no host name

  # It also has no authority to access the document root directory

  Options None


  DocumentRoot /www/jsmapache/htdocs




  Options None

  ServerName LANSA01

  ServerAlias LANSA01.LANSA.COM.AU

  DocumentRoot /www/jsmapache/htdocs-site1


  ErrorDocument 403 /noaccess.html

  ErrorDocument 404 /notfound.html

  ScriptAliasMatch ^/cgi-bin/jsmproxy(.*) /qsys.lib/devjsm.lib/jsmproxy.pgm$1

  ScriptAliasMatch ^/cgi-bin/jsmdirect(.*) /qsys.lib/devjsm.lib/jsmdirect.pgm$1

  ScriptAliasMatch ^/cgi-sec/jsmdirect(.*) /qsys.lib/secure.lib/jsmdirect.pgm$1

  TimeOut 3000


  RewriteEngine On

  # RewriteLog rewrite-site1.log

  # RewriteLogLevel 9



  RewriteRule .* - [L,F]


  RewriteRule ^/parts/(.*)/(.*) /cgi-sec/jsmdirect?orderbind+id($1)+item($2) [L,PT]

  RewriteRule ^/parts/(.*) /cgi-bin/jsmdirect?orderbind+id($1) [L,PT]

  RewriteRule ^/parts /cgi-bin/jsmdirect?orderbind+id(*NONE) [L,PT]


  RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} service\=([^\&]+)

  RewriteRule ^/myservice(.*) /cgi-bin/jsmdirect?%1 [L,PT]

  RewriteRule ^/myservice(.*) /cgi-bin/jsmdirect?default [L,PT]


  RewriteCond %{TIME_HOUR}%{TIME_MIN} >0905

  RewriteCond %{TIME_HOUR}%{TIME_MIN} <1900

  RewriteRule ^/mypage.html /day.html [L]

  RewriteRule ^/mypage.html /night.html [L]


  # RewriteCond %{TIME_HOUR}%{TIME_MIN} <1300 [OR]

  # RewriteCond %{TIME_HOUR}%{TIME_MIN} >1500

  # RewriteRule ^/cgi-bin/jsmdirect(.*) /noaccess.html [L]


  # RewriteMap companymap txt:/www/jsmapache/company.map

  # RewriteRule ^/company/(.*) ${companymap:$1|http://nocompany.com} [L,R]


  # RewriteMap hostmap rnd:/www/jsmapache/randomhost.map

  # RewriteRule ^/(.*\.(pdf|gif|jpg)) http://${hostmap:static}/$1 [L,R]


  <Directory /www/jsmapache/htdocs-site1>

    Options None

    Order Allow,Deny

    Allow from all

    AllowOverride None



  <Directory /qsys.lib/devjsm.lib>

    Options None

    Order Allow,Deny

    Allow from all

    AllowOverride None

    # Require valid-user

    # AuthType Basic

    # AuthName "Restricted Service"

    # UserID QTMHHTP1

    # PasswdFile %%SYSTEM%%



  <Directory /qsys.lib/secure.lib>

    Options None

    Order Allow,Deny

    Allow from all

    AllowOverride None

    Require valid-user

    AuthType Basic

    AuthName "Restricted Service"

    # UserID QTMHHTP1

    PasswdFile %%SYSTEM%%





  Options None


  DocumentRoot /www/jsmapache/htdocs-site2


  ScriptAliasMatch ^/cgi-bin/jsmadmin(.*) /qsys.lib/devjsm.lib/jsmadmin.pgm$1


  <Directory /www/jsmapache/htdocs-site2>

    Options None

    Order Allow,Deny

    Allow from all

    AllowOverride None



  <Directory /qsys.lib/devjsm.lib>

    Options None

    Order Allow,Deny

    Allow from

    Allow from

    Allow from

    AllowOverride None




# Global server directives


<Directory />

  Options None

  Order Allow,Deny

  Deny from all

  AllowOverride None



<Directory /www/jsmapache/htdocs>

  Options None

  Order Allow,Deny

  Deny from all

  AllowOverride None
