11 Recommendations

LANSA Integrator

11. Recommendations

  • DO NOT make a backup copy of jar files in the jar sub-directory. When JSM starts, all files in the jar directory are included in the Java classpath. It is possible for backup files to appear before the intended jar files in the Java classpath. This will cause classes in the backup files to be used instead of the classes in intended jar files.
  • DO NOT modify entries in the LANSA studio section of service property files, but add your own section to the bottom of these files. All property file entries must exist within a studio-project section, during an upgrade process any entries found outside a section will be placed in the studio-project id="00000000-000000" name="unassigned" section. They should be assigned to another section or deleted.
  • LANSA function fields that do not contribute to the Java service should be prefixed with JSM. This reduces the amount of data being transferred between the function and the Java service. To illustrate this recommendation, the fields #JSMSTS, #JSMMSG and #JSMCMD are used in some LANSA Integrator examples.
  • When using the MQSeries programs, fields that receive the message and correlation id must be prefixed with JSM. These fields can receive 24 bytes of data outside of the alphanumeric range. This means that they cannot be sent to the Java service because the native to Unicode conversion will fail.
  • It is a matter of style, but if command keyword values are static then do not use a subroutine to build the command using a sequence of concatenations. Include the keyword directly in the command string.