4 3 1 JSMAdmin Set up on IBM i

LANSA Integrator

4.3.1 JSMAdmin Set up on IBM i

The Apache server can be configured to run CGI programs in %%BINARY/MIXED%%, %%BINARY/BINARY%% or BINARY mode.

The preferred mode is BINARY.

By default, the JSMAdmin CGI program runs under the user profile QTMHHTP1.

Following is an example IBM Apache Server Configuration:


# Apache Configuration - JSM Services

Options None


ServerRoot /www/jsmapache

DocumentRoot /www/jsmapache/htdocs

# DefaultFsCCSID  37

# DefaultNetCCSID 819



LogLevel Warn

LogCycle Daily

ErrorLog logs/error_log

CustomLog logs/access_log combined

LogFormat "%{User-agent}i" agent

LogFormat "%{Referer}i -> %U" referer

LogFormat "%{Cookie}n \"%r\" %t" cookie

LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common

LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined


SetEnvIf "User-Agent" "Mozilla/2" nokeepalive

SetEnvIf "User-Agent" "JDK/1\.0" force-response-1.0

SetEnvIf "User-Agent" "Java/1\.0" force-response-1.0

SetEnvIf "User-Agent" "RealPlayer 4\.0" force-response-1.0

SetEnvIf "User-Agent" "MSIE 4\.0b2;" nokeepalive

SetEnvIf "User-Agent" "MSIE 4\.0b2;" force-response-1.0


# StartCGI 1

# SendBufferSize 32768

# ReceiveBufferSize 32768


# Use name-based virtual hosting




  # The first virtual host directive will become the default host

  # This traps the use of the IP address, unsupported or no host name

  # It also has no authority to access the document root directory

  Options None


  DocumentRoot /www/jsmapache/htdocs




  Options None

  ServerName LANSA01

  ServerAlias LANSA01.LANSA.COM.AU

  DocumentRoot /www/jsmapache/htdocs-site1


  ScriptAliasMatch ^/cgi-bin/jsmproxy(.*) /qsys.lib/devjsm.lib/jsmproxy.pgm$1

  ScriptAliasMatch ^/cgi-bin/jsmdirect(.*) /qsys.lib/devjsm.lib/jsmdirect.pgm$1

  TimeOut 3000


  <Directory /www/jsmapache/htdocs-site1>

    Options None

    Order Allow,Deny

    Allow from all

    AllowOverride None



  <Directory /qsys.lib/devjsm.lib>

    Options None

    Order Allow,Deny

    Allow from all

    AllowOverride None

    # Require valid-user

    # AuthType Basic

    # AuthName "Restricted Service"

    # UserID QTMHHTP1

    # PasswdFile %%SYSTEM%%





  Options None


  DocumentRoot /www/jsmapache/htdocs-site2


  ScriptAliasMatch ^/cgi-bin/jsmadmin(.*) /qsys.lib/devjsm.lib/jsmadmin.pgm$1


  <Directory /www/jsmapache/htdocs-site2>

    Options None

    Order Allow,Deny

    Allow from all

    AllowOverride None



  <Directory /qsys.lib/devjsm.lib>

    Options None

    Order Allow,Deny

    Allow from

    Allow from

    Allow from

    AllowOverride None




# Global server directives


<Directory />

  Options None

  Order Allow,Deny

  Deny from all

  AllowOverride None



<Directory /www/jsmapache/htdocs>

  Options None

  Order Allow,Deny

  Deny from all

  AllowOverride None
