LANSA Integrator


The client application may issue the GET command to receive attributes associated with the aXes terminal session into named client program variables.

Note: You usually need to specify SERVICE_EXCHANGE(*FIELD) in the command string in order to receive the return values into your client program variables named on keywords beginning with RTNxxx. Refer to 5.41.2 Using the AxesTerminalService for more information.




 GET ------------- RTNCURSORROW ---- field-name ----------------->


               >-- RTNCURSORCOL ---- field-name ----------------->


               >-- RTNDEVICENAME --- field-name ----------------->


               >-- RTNJOBUSER ------ field-name ----------------->


               >-- RTNJOBNUMBER ---- field-name ----------------->


               >-- RTNSCREENWIDTH -- field-name ----------------->


               >-- RTNSCREENHEIGHT - field-name ----------------->


               >-- RTNSYSTEMNAME --- field-name ----------------->


               >-- RTNSIG ---------- field-name ----------------->


               >-- RTNSCREEN ------- field-name -----------------|




The name of a field exchanged between your client program and the JSM that will receive the row number component of the current screen cursor position.


The name of a field exchanged between your client program and the JSM that will receive the column number component of the current screen cursor position.


The name of a field exchanged between your client program and the JSM that will receive the 5250 device name used by the current aXes terminal session.


The name of a field exchanged between your client program and the JSM that will receive the user name portion of the i/OS job name for the current aXes terminal session.


The name of a field exchanged between your client program and the JSM that will receive the job number portion of the i/OS job name for the current aXes terminal session.


The name of a field exchanged between your client program and the JSM that will receive the current screen width for the aXes terminal session. Note that this value refers to the screen currently displayed, not maximum device capabilities.


The name of a field exchanged between your client program and the JSM that will receive the current screen height for the aXes terminal session. Note that this value refers to the screen currently displayed, not maximum device capabilities.


The name of a field exchanged between your client program and the JSM that will receive the i/OS system name for the current aXes terminal session.


The name of a field exchanged between your client program and the JSM that will receive the screen signature of the screen that is present.


The name of a field exchanged between your client program and the JSM that will receive the name of the screen that is present. The screen name is the user-defined name if an aXes project name was specified on the CONNECT command and a name was assigned to the screen. Otherwise the screen signature is returned.



RDML Example:






RDMLX Example:

define field(#myjobusr) reffld(#std_text)

define field(#myjobnum) reffld(#std_text)


use builtin(jsmx_command) with_args(#jsmhandle #jsmcommand) to_get(#jsmstatus #jsmmessage)