5 Java Service Manager Services

LANSA Integrator

5. Java Service Manager Services

Note: The Service descriptions are presently being revised and extended. Some service descriptions now have an extended description, examples of use, service command syntax diagrams and parameter descriptions. In future versions of this guide, all services will be in this extended format.

The non-extended service descriptions contain a definition of each service including a table listing these items:




Developer notes for Command/Keyword/Value


 The Command, Keyword and Value are used with the JSMCMD argument in the JSM_COMMAND Built-In Function. The Notes for developers provide some details for the specific keyword or value.

Consider this example from the SMSService table:




Developer notes for Command/Keyword/Value




Mandatory. Mobile number.



Mandatory. Text message.


For the example in the above table, this command might appear as follows:




Some familiarity with the underlying service or protocol may be required in order to properly use the commands. For example, if you are using the SMSService, you may need to SET SMS transport parameters before you can SEND messages.

Services provided are:

5.41 AxesTerminalService

5.39 BASE64FileService

5.36 ExcelService

5.37 ExcelReadService

5.26 FileQueueService

5.2 FTPService

5.42 HashService

5.5 HTTPInboundJSONBindService

5.6 HTTPInboundQueryService

5.9 HTTPInboundSVService

5.8 HTTPInboundXMLBindService

5.7 HTTPInboundXMLService

5.10 HTTPOutboundXMLBindService

5.11 HTTPOutboundJSONBindService

5.4 HTTPService

5.28 JMSFileService

5.29 JMSXMLBindService

5.30 JSONBindFileService

5.27 OpenLDAPService

5.34 PDFDocumentService

5.33 PDFSpoolFileService

5.40 PGPFileService

5.14 POP3MailService

5.31 RFIDataSourceService

5.3 SFTPService

5.15 SMSService

5.13 SMTPMailAttachmentSignatureService

5.12 SMTPMailService

5.22 SOAPAgentService

5.23 SOAPServerService

5.38 SQLService

5.35 SVFileService

5.17 XMLBindFileService

5.25 XMLBindQueueService

5.16 XMLFileService

5.18 XMLParserService

5.24 XMLQueueService

5.19 XMLReaderService

5.21 XMLQueryService

5.20 XMLWriterService

5.32 ZipService