7 1 Get Started with Studio

LANSA Integrator

7.1 Get Started with Studio

Starting Studio

To access Integrator Studio, click on the Integrator Studio program icon in the LANSA folder on your desktop. This icon is installed with the Studio software. The 7.1.1 Studio Main Window will open.

Studio Program Short Cut

The program short cut uses the LANSALauncher.exe program, which uses javaw.exe to execute the Studio application. The command line for LANSALauncher.exe identifies the short cut to be used for Studio and should not be modified.


"C:\Program Files\LANSAxxx\Tools\LANSALauncher.exe" /app=javaw.exe /id=Studio /lang=ENG


The actual command line arguments for javaw.exe are in the LANSALauncher.cfg file, located in the same folder as the LANSALauncher.exe program.




    -Djava.endorsed.dirs=".\lib\endorsed" com.lansa.jsf.studio.JSFStudio



The LANSALauncher.cfg file can be edited using a text editor.

The arg entry under [id:Studio] can be modified to change the Java environment.

If the memory requirement of the JVM needs to be increased, then the -Xms and -Xms parameters need to be added to the arg entry.



arg=-Xms256m -Xmx256m


    -Djava.endorsed.dirs=".\lib\endorsed" com.lansa.jsf.studio.JSFStudio



The JRE lib\ext directory contains additional Java jar files.


JCA/JCE providers for Java Cryptography APIs







JNDI DNS provider




Non US English locale resources




Shared Studio Projects

To allow users to access shared projects, specify the shared directory as a Studio program argument. Modify an existing [id:Studio] section in the LANSALauncher.cfg file and add the shared directory to the end of the arg entry or copy an existing Studio short cut, change the id to Studio2, copy the existing [id:Studio] entries, paste them, rename the new section to [id:Studio2] and add the shared directory to the end of the program arg entry under the [id:Studio2] section.


   com.lansa.jsf.studio.JSFStudio "s:\studio"


A workspace sub directory and Studio.xml file will be created in the specified directory.

A temp sub directory used for Drag and Drop operations will be created in the program's current or start in directory on the local drive.

By default Studio uses the current directory or start in directory as its working directory.


Before you begin to use Integrator Studio, check that you have the following:

  • Do you have a TCP/IP connection to the JSM server and HTTP server?
  • If you are accessing a JSM Instance, has the JSM server been started? To communicate with the JSM server, the JSM must be running. The instance's manager.properties file should also contain entries for studio.client.address and possibly studio.authentication (see Java Service Manager Console).