3 6 6 Where Do I Find Trace Files

LANSA Integrator

3.6.6 Where Do I Find Trace Files?

All tracing output is stored in the trace sub-directory below the JSM instance directory.

To view the trace file, use the Work with Java Service Manager (WRKJSM) option on the JSM Menu described in Java Service Manager Administration for IBM i.

A new trace directory is created each time the JSM is started, provided the relevant service property is enabled.

For example, if the JSM job number is 123456, then the directory would appear as follows:




Example trace directory listing


Directory: /jsm/instance/trace/123456


     MANAGER.TXT            STMF

     STDOUT.TXT             STMF

     STDERR.TXT             STMF

     2005-06-22             DIR


Directory: /jsm/instance/trace/123456/2005-06-22


     CLIENT00000001         DIR

     CLIENT00000002         DIR

     CLIENT00000003_NAME    DIR


Example file listing of a client trace sub-directory


Directory: /jsm/instance/trace/123456/2005-06-22/CLIENT00000001


     SERVICE.TXT            STMF

     TRANSPORT.TXT          STMF


If you have changed the tracing properties in the manager properties files, then you must stop and restart the JSM in order for the changes to take effect. When you restart the JSM, it will start with a new job number and a new directory will appear in your trace sub-directory.

If manager tracing is turned on, MANAGER.TXT, STDOUT.TXT and STDERR.TXT files are created in the trace job number sub-directory when the JSM instance starts.

If client tracing is enabled, a CLIENTnnnnnnnn directory is created where nnnnnnnn is a sequential number. This directory contains the transport and command information that is sent by the JSM client program. An optional trace name can be appended to the end of this directory name using the TRACE_NAME keyword on the SERVICE_LOAD command.

It is recommended that you clear trace files regularly. Refer to Clear Java Service Manager (CLRJSM).