The CREATE command is used to create an AS3 transaction or receipt.
The RECIPIENT keyword value is used to obtain the signing key file, password, signing certificate and encryption certificates using a selection hierarchy of entries from the properties file.
keystore.{recipient}= pki/filename
keystore = pki/filename
keystore.password.{recipient} = password
keystore.password = password
certificate.{recipient} = pki/filename
certificate = pki/filename
encryption.certificates.{recipient} = pki/filename, pki/filename, pki/filename
as3-to.{recipient} = companyto
as3-from.{recipient} = companyfrom
as3-from = companyfrom
subject.{recipient} = subject
subject = subject{recipient}=receipt to to
receipt.signed.{recipient}=*yes | *no
receipt.signed=*yes | *no
messageid.suffix.{recipient} = company identifier
messageid.suffix. = company identifier
signed.algorithm.{recipient} = *MD5 | *SHA1 | *SHA256 | *SHA384 | *SHA512
signed.algorithm = *MD5 | *SHA1 | *SHA256 | *SHA384 | *SHA512
encryption.algorithm.{recipient} = *DES3 | *AES128 | *AES192 | *AES256
encryption.algorithm = *DES3 | *AES128 | *AES192 | *AES256
The RECIPIENT keyword value is used to obtain the signing key file, password and singing certificate using a selection hierarchy of entries from the properties file.
The keystore and certificates are only used when the receipt needs to be signed.
keystore.{recipient}= pki/filename
keystore = pki/filename
keystore.password.{recipient} = password
keystore.password = password
certificate.{recipient} = pki/filename
certificate = pki/filename
as3-to.{recipient} = companyto
as3-from.{recipient} = companyfrom
as3-from = companyfrom
subject.{recipient} = subject
subject = subject{recipient}=receipt to to
messageid.suffix.{recipient} = company identifier
messageid.suffix. = company identifier
signed.algorithm.{recipient} = *MD5 | *SHA1 | *SHA256 | *SHA384 | *SHA512
signed.algorithm = *MD5 | *SHA1 | *SHA256 | *SHA384 | *SHA512
Human readable text is obtained from a file using a properties file selection hierarchy.
receipt.message.{recipient} = system/receipt-message.txt
receipt.message = system/receipt-message.txt
The receipt.message contains the human readable component of the receipt.
The following special merge labels are supported in the receipt.message file:
Sample receipt.message file content:
The message sent to recipient <%%COMPANYTO%%> on %%DATE%% with subject "%%SUBJECT%%" has been received.