Step 3 Add Logic to the Employee Query Command Handler

VLF Windows Application Development

Step 3. Add Logic to the Employee Query Command Handler

VFW126 – Using Space Objects (Optional)

1.  Select the Source tab.

2.  Complete the PHBN_SELECT.Click event routine to:

     Initialize work fields and use the SPACE_OPERATION BIF and CHECKEXISTENCE to ensure the space object exists.

     Add an If / Else / Endif for STD_CMPAR = OK

     Issue an error message if the space object is not found.

Evtroutine Handling(#PHBN_SELECT.Click)
#std_text := IIIVFW41
#TOTSALARY := *zeroes
* Check Space exists
Use Builtin(SPACE_OPERATION) With_Args(#std_text CHECKEXISTENCE) To_Get(#std_cmpar)
If (#std_cmpar = OK)
* Populate list view form space object
Message Msgtxt('Space object IIIVFW42 does not exist')


3.  To populate the list view, add the logic:

  • Clear the list view
  • Use SELECT_IN_SPACE to retrieve entries using DEPT_IN as key.
  • Return the SELECT_IN_SPACE status into field STD_CMPAR.
  • While STD_CMPAR is equal to OK
  • Add an entry to the list view
  • Retrieving all space object entries for the department code = DEPT_IN, must be achieved by then using the SELECT_NEXT_IN_SPACE. Note this also returns status as STD_CMPAR.

Your code should now look like the following. New code is highlighted in red.

Evtroutine Handling(#PHBN_SELECT.Click)
#std_text := IIIVF31
#TOTSALARY := *zeroes
* Check Space exists
Use Builtin(SPACE_OPERATION) With_Args(#std_text CHECKEXISTENCE) To_Get(#std_cmpar)
If (#std_cmpar = OK)
Clr_List Named(#LTVW_1)
Dowhile ('#STD_CMPAR *EQ OK')
Add_Entry To_List(#LTVW_1)
Message Msgtxt('Space object IIIVFW31 does not exist')


4.  Complete the Reports Employee Query command handler logic by making the List View ItemGotSelection and ItemLostSelect event routines maintain Total Salary.

     Your code should look like the following:

Evtroutine Handling(#LTVW_1.ItemGotSelection) Options(*NOCLEARMESSAGES *NOCLEARERRORS)



Evtroutine Handling(#LTVW_1.ItemLostSelection) Options(*NOCLEARMESSAGES *NOCLEARERRORS)



5.  Compile the Reports Employee Query command handler.

6.  Execute the Framework as Designer.

7.  Open the Properties dialog for the Reports business object.

8.  Select the Commands Enabled tab, select the Employee Query action and plug in the command handler iiiVFW43. Use the Find dialog so that the plug in uses the Identifier name.

9.  Save and Restart the Framework.

10. Select the Reports business object. Right click on the Weekly tab and run the Salary command handler.

11. Again, use the right mouse menu to run the Reports, Employee Query command handler and display employees from the space object for department ADM.

12. Restart the Framework and this time run the Reports / Employee Query command handler immediately. The "Space object does not exist" error message should be shown in the Frameworks status bar.

13. Based on what you've learnt in an earlier exercise, you should appreciate that if required you could add framework switch logic to Employee Query, to run the Salary command handler automatically, when the space object does not exist.