Step 3 Create Tab Folder Form

VLF Windows Application Development

Step 3. Create Tab Folder Form

VFW005 – Basic Windows Controls

Use a Tab Folder to create a folder with several sheets to provide an organized way of showing a large amount of information.


To create the form shown below, containing a tab folder with three tab sheets.

  • When an employee number is entered on the Employee tab sheet, the employee details such as Surname, Given Name and Salary are to be displayed on the Details tab sheet.
  • When the Skills tab is selected, a list of employee skills is to be shown

Note: This is a very simple example application and is not typical of the way that tab sheets interaction would be designed.

1.  Create a new form:

     Name: iiiTabFolder

     Description: A Simple Tab Folder

2.  Drag and drop a Tab Folder to the form, and resize it to occupy most of the form.

3.  With the Tab Folder selected, drag and drop a Tab Sheet onto the Tab Folder.

4.  Click on the area to the right of the tab sheet, to select the Tab Folder, and drop another Tab Sheet onto the folder.

5.  Repeat step 4. So that the Tab Folder contains 3 Tab Sheets.

6.  Select the first Tab Sheet by clicking on the tab and then clicking on the main tab sheet area.

     If you hover over the tab sheet, the component name will be shown in a tooltip:

a.  Change the tab sheet Caption property to Employee.

b.  Select the second tab sheet and change its Caption property to Details.

c.  Select the third tab sheet and change its Caption property to Skill.

7.  On the Repository tab, expand the Files group and expand the file definition, PSLMST.

8.  Select the Employee tab sheet and drop the EMPNO field onto it.

9.  Select the Details tab sheet and drop SURNAME, GIVENAME and SALARY onto it.

10. On the Repository tab, expand the file definition PSLSKL.

11. Select the Skill tab sheet and drop fields SKILCODE, GRADE, COMMENT and DATEACQ onto it.

12. Create an Opening event routine for Details (TBSH_2).

     Add code to initialize the fields SURNAME. GIVENAME and SALARY and then Fetch them from the file PSLMST with the key EMPNO.

     Your code should look like the following:

Evtroutine Handling(#TBSH_2.Opening) Options(*NOCLEARMESSAGES *NOCLEARERRORS)


Fetch Fields(#SURNAME #GIVENAME #SALARY) From_File(pslmst) With_Key(#EMPNO)


13. Create an Opening event routine for Skill (TBSH_3).

     Add code to initialize the fields SKILCODE, GRADE, COMMENT and DATEACQ and then fetch them from the file PSLSKL with the key EMPNO.

     Your code should look like the following:

Evtroutine Handling(#TBSH_3.Opening) Options(*NOCLEARMESSAGES *NOCLEARERRORS)


Fetch Fields(#SKILCODE #GRADE #COMMENT #DATEACQ) From_File(pslskl) With_Key(#EMPNO)


     Note: The editor will give a warning because the key does not match the file keys. This logic will fetch the first skill record for the employee only. The actual file key is EMPNO and SKILCODE because the employee may have a number of skills.

14. Compile and run the form.

a.  On the Employee tab sheet enter and employee number such as A1012 or, A1013.

b.  Select the Details and then Skill to display employee data.