Step 1. Create Time Employed Reusable Part
VFW070 – Create Time Employed Reusable Part
1. Create a new
/ type :iiiVFW12
Time Employed Calculator
2. Note that your reusable part has an ancestor of PRIM_OBJT.
3. iiiVFW12 should have one method routine,
, which has one input parameter and three output parameters, defined as follows.
For |
Name |
Class |
*input |
i_strdter |
*output |
o_year |
*output |
o_month |
*output |
o_days |
Note: STARTDTER will be passed to this component, which is a 6 long date in the form YYMMDD. This will provide a solution which works for regions using both DDMMYY and MMDDYY date formats.
method routine should initially look like the following:Mthroutine Name(uEmployTime)
Define_Map For(*input) Class(#startdter) Name(#i_strdter)
Define_Map For(*output) Class(#PRIM_NMBR) Name(#o_year)
Define_Map For(*output) Class(#prim_nmbr) Name(#o_month)
Define_Map For(*output) Class(#prim_nmbr) Name(#o_days)
4. Define_Map Statements:
This step reviews the Define_Map statement, there is no code for you to write here.
statement defines input and output parameters to a routine. For example:Define_Map For(*input) Class(#startdter) Name(#i_strdte)
- The method routine will reference this variable as #i_strdte.
- This method will be invoked by another components, passing the required parameters and values:
Invoke #iiiVFW10.uEmployTime i_strdte(#startdter) . . .
- The invoking component refers to this parameter as i_strdte().
- Input parameters are mandatory unless they are defined with a default value, for example, this is an optional input parameter:
Define_Map For(*input) Class(#prim_nmbr) Name(#i_num) Mandatory(1)
Note: Start Date is a signed 6.0 field. Designing this component to accept only this form of input is obviously a limitation. In a real example, you would probably add another input parameter which defines the format of the passed date, and also change the input date definitions so that a number of date formats of such as Signed 6,0 and Signed 8,0 and Date or Datetime can be handled.
5. Define the following work fields (following the Begin_Com) which are required during the calculation routine:
Define Field(#i_date) Reffld(#std_datex) Desc('Input Date')
Define Field(#c_date) Reffld(#std_datex) Desc('Current Date')
Define Field(#i_year) Reffld(#yyyy) Desc('Input Year number')
Define Field(#c_year) Reffld(#yyyy) Desc('Current Year number')
Define Field(#i_month) Reffld(#month) Desc('Input Month number')
Define Field(#c_month) Reffld(#month) Desc('Current Month number')
Define Field(#i_day) Reffld(#day) Desc('Input Day Number')
Define Field(#c_day) Reffld(#day) Desc('Output day number')
6. In the
method, start to build the logic to calculate years, months and days since the employee start date:7. Setup current and input year, month and day values:
* Setup current and input year, month and day values.
#c_date := *date
#c_year := #c_date.year
#i_date := #i_strdter.asdate( yymmdd )
#i_year := #i_date.year
#i_month := #i_date.month
#i_day :=
These calculations make use of intrinsic functions. Use
help on a field to discover the intrinsic functions which it supports.8. Calculate number of years
Current year must be greater than or equal to the input year
* Calculate number of years, months and days
If (#c_year >= #i_year)
#o_year := #C_year - #I_year
#o_year #o_month #o_days := 0
9. Extend the logic to calculate number of months. New code is highlighted in red
If (#c_year >= #i_year)
#o_year := #C_year - #I_year – 1
* Calculate number of months
* When input month is less than current month
If (#i_month < #c_month)
#o_month := #c_month - #i_month - 1
#o_month := (12 - #i_month) + #c_month – 1
#o_year -= 1
If (#i_month = #c_month)
#o_month := *zeroes
#o_year #o_month #o_days := 0
10. Extend logic to calculate number of days. New code is highlighted in red.
If (#c_year >= #i_year)
#o_year := #C_year - #I_year – 1
* Calculate number of months
* When input month is less than current month
If (#i_month < #c_month)
#o_month := #c_month - #i_month - 1
#o_month := (12 - #i_month) + #c_month – 1
#o_year -= 1
If (#i_month = #c_month)
#o_month := *zeroes
* Calculate number of days
* when input day number is less than current day
If (#i_day < #c_day)
#o_days := #c_day - #i_day
#o_month += 1
If (#i_month = 2)
#o_days := (28 - #i_day) + #c_day
If ((#i_month = 4) *Or (#i_month = 6) *Or (#i_month = 9) *Or (#i_month = 11))
#o_days := (30 - #i_day) + #c_day
#o_days := (31 - #i_day) + #c_day
#o_year #o_month #o_days := 0
11. Compile your
reusable part.