VFW102 Field Visualizations in a Grid

VLF Windows Application Development

VFW102 – Field Visualizations in a Grid

  • Grid, List View and Tree Views can have columns with field visualizations.
  • In a list component, the properties of the column controls the visualization.
  • When used in a list column your field definition doesn't necessarily need a visualization defined.
  • The field's picklist definition may be used in a list column.


In this exercise you will create a Resources for Section command handler, displaying a Grid with a number of columns using visualizations.

To achieve these objectives you will complete the following:

Step 1. Define New Fields

Step 2. Create the Resources for Section Command Handler

Step 3. Create a Prompt Form for Employee Number


Before You Begin

Complete exercises VFW030, VFW040, VFW042 and VFW102.