VFW090 Field Visualizations

VLF Windows Application Development

VFW090 – Field Visualizations

  • The Repository defines fields as components. An important part of this component definition is the field visualization.
  • Most fields are visualized by default as a simple edit box.
  • Other field visualizations may be added, such as a radio button set, a dropdown together with a static picklist, check box, multi-line edit box and date prompt.

The following example shows field visualizations for a numeric field.

  • These examples include: Combo Box, Listbox, SpinEdit, Radio Button Set and TrackBar.
  • SpinEdit has an Increment property.
  • Trackbar has a MinimumValue and MaximumValue properties. 

The next example includes field visualizations for:

  • A Radio Button Set and a Combo Box for field Gender.
  • Checkbox and Combo Box for On Leave?
  • Image and Text picklist for Job Status
  • Multi-Line Editbox for Memo Notes (a string field)
  • A Date Prompt for a Date Time field:

Advanced field visualization options include:

  • A Dynamic Picklist which is populated by a Reusable part.
  • An Autocomplete input box, also populated by reusable part.
  • A Prompt Form can also be attached to the field, which is linked to a prompt button and which can support simple or complex searches as required.


This exercise provides examples to enhance some of the applications built in previous exercises. More field visualization examples are provided Field Visualization Development in the LANSA Development Guide.

To achieve the objectives you will complete these steps:

Step 1. Define a Picklist for iiiGRADE.

Step 2. Define a Dynamic Picklist for SKILCODE

Step 3. Link Dynamic Picklists

Step 4. Implement Dynamic Picklists in By Location filter

Step 5. Create an AutoComplete Visualization for Surname


Before You Begin

Complete exercises VFW020, VFW030, VFW042 and VFW084.