Step 1 Extend Pop Up Menu in Employee Image Object

VLF Windows Application Development

Step 1. Extend Pop-Up Menu in Employee Image Object

VFW122 – Launching a VLF Window

1.  Open iiiVFW29 in the editor

2.  In the Design view, right click on the image component and select Edit Popup Menu.

     The Popup menu is displayed at the top of the Design view.

3.  Move the cursor to right hand side of the menu item text and press Enter to add a new menu item:

4.  Define the new menu item as Open Employee Details Window. Note that the new menu item is MITM_2.

5.  Create a Click event for MITM_2.

6.  Switch to the Source tab.

7.  Define an event uOpenEmpWindow, which will pass employee number:

Define_Evt Name(uOpenEmpWindow)
  Define_Map For(*input) Class(#empno) Name(#uEmpNum)


8.  Make the Click event for MITM_2, signal the uOpenEmpWindow event:

Evtroutine Handling(#MITM_2.Click) Options(*NOCLEARMESSAGES *NOCLEARERRORS)
Signal Event(uOpenEmpWindow) uEmpNum(#Empno)


9.  Recompile the new version of iiiVFW29