Step 1. Create Transfer Section to Department Command Handler
VFW110 – Simple Drag and Drop
1. Create a new
Transfer Section to Department
2. Give the reusable part an ancestor of VF_AC010
3. Using the
tab, give the panel iiiVFW33 a .4. Open the Raised.
tab ( ribbon / ). Give the a of5. Change the LEFT, and change the of PANL_2 to RIGHT.
of PANL_1 to6. Select the LEFT panel. On the .
7. Drop a Panel component onto the top of the LEFT panel and change its TOP_LEFT.
to8. Drop a Panel onto the bottom of the LEFT panel and change its BOTTOM_LEFT.
to9. Adjust the height of TOP_LEFT and BOTTOM_LEFT as required.
10. Drop a List View into the center of the panel LEFT. Change its DRAG_FROM.
to11. Save your reusable part.
12. Select the RIGHT panel and give it an manager.
13. Drop a Panel onto the top of the RIGHT panel and change its TOP_RIGHT.
to14. Drop a Panel onto the bottom of the RIGHT panel and change its BOTTOM_RIGHT
to15. Adjust the height of TOP_RIGHT and BOTTOM_RIGHT as necessary.
16. Drop a List View into the center of the RIGHT panel and change its DRAG_TO.
to17. Save your reusable part.
18. Drop a Label onto the TOP_LEFT panel.
a. Change its Drag Sections from Here
tob. Give it a VS_LAREM
ofc. Resize the Label as necessary.
Hint: To quickly make the label fit the TOP_LEFT panel, give the label a of 22.
19. Follow the same procedure as 19. (above) to add a label for 'Department Sections' to the TOP_RIGHT panel.
20. Locate the file SECTAB on the Remainder.
tab. Drag the fields DEPTMENT, SECTION and SECDESC into the DRAG_FROM list view. Change the for the SECDESC column to21. Change the Automatic. This list will now allow drag and drop.
of the DRAG_FROM list, to22. Add a Push Button to the BOTTOM_LEFT panel.
a. Change its Refresh
tob. Change its PHBN_REFRESH
toc. Create a
event for the button.23. Drag the fields STD_CODE and STD_DESC and STD_CODEL into the DRAG_TO list view.
a. Make the Remainder.
for the STD_DESC column, tob. Change the Section. Change to Caption.
for the STD_CODE column toc. Change the Section Description. Change to Caption.
for the STD_DESC column tod. Change the column for STD_CODEL to False.
24. Change the Automatic.
for list DRAG_TO, to25. Add a Push Button to the BOTTOM_RIGHT panel.
a. Change its Save to Section Table
tob. Change its PHBN_SAVE.
toc. Create a Click event for it.
26. Save your reusable part.