Step 1. Create Employee Payload Object
VFW112 – Drag and Drop between Components
In this step you create two components.
- A simple Employee Object to store properties for each employee.
- An Employee Payload object which contains a list collection of the Employee Object, containing the employees being transferred.
1. Create a new
Employee Object
2. Define properties uDepartment, uSection, uEmpNum and uFullname.
The properties should automatically set and get the corresponding field values.
Your code should look like the following:
Function Options(*DIRECT)
Define_Pty Name(uDepartment) Get(*auto #deptment) Set(*auto #deptment)
Define_Pty Name(uSection) Get(*auto #section) Set(*auto #section)
Define_Pty Name(uEmpNum) Get(*auto #empno) Set(*auto #empno)
Define_Pty Name(uFullname) Get(*auto #fullname) Set(*auto #fullname)
4. Compile iiiVFW35
5. Create a new
Employee Payload
6. Define a list collection which collects the employee object, iiiVFW35:
Define_Com Class(#prim_lcol<#iiivfw35>) Name(#Objects)
7. Define a property which passes a reference to the list collection (called #objects) when another component retrieves this property:
Define_Pty Name(pObjects) Get(*collection #Objects)
8. Define a method routine,
with input parameters for the employee object properties:Mthroutine Name(Add_Item)
Define_Map For(*input) Class(#DEPTMENT) Name(#uDeptment)
Define_Map For(*input) Class(#SECTION) Name(#uSection)
Define_Map For(*INPUT) Class(#EMPNO) Name(#uEmployee)
Define_Map For(*INPUT) Class(#FULLNAME) Name(#uFullname)
9. Complete the
method routine.a. Add code to define an instance of the employee object iiiVFW35, named New_Object.
b. Update the properties of New_Object using the passed parameters.
c. Insert New_Object to the list collection, named Objects.
Mthroutine Name(Add_Item)
Define_Map For(*input) Class(#DEPTMENT) Name(#uDeptment)
Define_Map For(*input) Class(#SECTION) Name(#uSection)
Define_Map For(*INPUT) Class(#EMPNO) Name(#uEmployee)
Define_Map For(*INPUT) Class(#FULLNAME) Name(#uFullname)
Define_Com Class(#iiivfw35) Name(#New_Object)
#New_Object.uDepartment := #uDeptment
#New_Object.usection := #uSection
#New_Object.UEmpNum := #uEmployee
#New_Object.UFullname := #uFullname
#Objects.Insert( #New_Object )
10. Compile iiiVFW36.