Step 2. Create the Resources for Section Command Handler
VFW102 – Field Visualizations in a Grid
1. Create a new
Resources for Section
2. Give the reusable part an ancestor of VF_AC010.
3. Use the
ribbon, to give the reusable part an .4. Drop a Grid component into the center of the panel, so that it is attached to all four sides.
5. Define columns in the Grid using the following fields and set the
property of each column as shown in the table:
6. Change Caption.
of each column to7. Change the Left.
for each column to8. Change the False.
property for all columns, except FULLNAME, to9. Change other column properties as shown in the following table:
10. Open the field iiiONLEAVE in the editor and add a
and define the following values:
11. Save your changes.
13. In the reusable part IIIVFW25, open the True.
view, select the grid columns for iiiTAXPAID and then iiiONLEAVE and change the property to14. Save your changes.
15. Select the Grid and change the property to ContentHeight.
16. Select the
tab and create an method routine, which redefines the ancestor method:Mthroutine Name(uExecute) Options(*redefine)
17. Add the following code to complete the
#avlistmanager.getCurrentInstance Akey1(#deptment) Akey2(#section)
Clr_List Named(#GRID_1)
#iiiONLEAVE := N
#iiiTAXPAID := 1000
#iiiMEMO := 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam gravida suscipit nulla, non tincidunt est ultrices nec.'
Select Fields(#empno #surname #givename #salary #startdter) From_File(pslmst1) With_Key(#deptment #section)
#std_datex := #startdter.asdate( YYMMDD )
#fullname := #surname + ', ' + #givename
Add_Entry To_List(#GRID_1)
18.Review this code which:
- Invokes the ancestor method
- Invokes the list manager and retrieves the keys for the current entry
- Clears the Grid
- Sets up fixed values in a number of fields
- Sets STD_DATEX to a date based on the field STARTDTER (a signed numeric, length 6) in form YYMMDD.
- Sets FULLNAME value based on SURNAME and GIVENAME
- Adds an entry to Grid
19. Compile reusable part iiiVFW25.
20. Execute the Framework as a Designer.
21. Open the _Sections properties dialog by expanding a department in the instance list and double clicking on a section.
22. Select the iiiVFW25.
tab, select the action and plug in the command handler23.
the Framework.24. Select the Employees command handler for a section. Your design should look like the following:
The height of each row is based on the right hand column, due to the ContentHeight for the grid. is taken from the right hand column.
property of25. When you click on the columns to edit a value, check that the behavior is as per the following list:
- Start Date displays a date prompt when you click on the prompt button in the cell.
- The Salary value displays the actual value and may be changed using its SpinEdit buttons.
- Tax Paid displays the picklist values in a dropdown when you edit its value. The value in display mode is based on the picklist value.
- On Leave is always displayed or edited as a checkbox.
- Status display the image and text from the picklist. When you click in this column the value rotates through the picklist values.
- The Memo Notes column value can be extended by typing in additional text. When you position into another cell, the column height is adjusted.