
VLF Windows Application Development


VFW102 – Field Visualizations in a Grid

Important Observations

  • Field Visualization provides a simple consistent interface for activities such as prompting. However, for very complex prompting requirements, you will most likely need to create another component.
  • Using reusable parts and prompter forms ensures that the same field provides a consistent interface wherever used.
  • Having multiple visualizations for the same field allows you to turn off/change the style of field for particular situations.

Tips & Techniques

  • When creating a prompter form you must ensure that you follow the prompter form guidelines. When a a property is added to the form, ensure it is made the default property for the form, such as DefaultPty(p_Employee_Number) in this example:



  • The SET of this property will be called when the user activates the prompter (via either F4 or the ellipses button).

What I Should Know

  • How to define list column properties to provide check box, combo box, image and text and multiline edit visualization.
  • Input capable Date and DateTime columns will show a date prompt by default.
  • How to define a prompter field visualization.
  • How to implement a prompter form visualization in a list column.