VLF Windows Application Development Documentation
VLF Windows Application Development
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VFW056 – Process a List in Sorted Order
What You Should Know
How to enable a list's columns to allow sorting.
How to process a list's items in loaded order.
How to process a list's items in sorted order.
How to use the FOR/ENDFOR loop.
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Table of contents
Windows Applications with VLF
About the Exercises
Install the Tutorial Files
Tips for doing the Exercises
VFW005 Basic Windows Controls
Step 1. Create a Form
Step 2. Add Controls to a Form
Step 3. Create Tab Folder Form
VFW010 A Tab Folder Framework
Step 1. Create a Form
Step 2. Define a Tab Folder Framework
Step 3. Compile and Execute the Form
VFW020 Execute a Visual LANSA Framework Application
Step 1. Execute the Visual LANSA Framework
Step 2. Execute an Application
Step 3. Using a Filter to Find an Employee
Step 4. Using Commands and Command Handlers
VFW030 Create a Prototype
Step 1. Understand the Requirements
Step 2. Create a Prototype iii HR Application
Step 3. Define Filters and Command Handlers for Employees
Step 4. Refine the Reports Business Object
VFW040 Snap in Real Filters
Step 1. Create Your Real By Name Filter
Step 2. Snap in the Employees By Name filter
Step 3. Review Filter Code
Step 4. Create a Real Employees By Location filter
VFW040 Appendix
VFW042 Snap in a Real Command Handler
Step 1. Create a Real Command Handler
Step 2. Review Command Handler code
Step 3. Snap in Real Command Handler
VFW044 Add Instance List Columns
Step 1. Add columns to the Instance List
Step 2. Change the Filter
VFW050 Basic Combo Box Processing
Step 1. Add a Combo Box to the Panel
Step 2. Set up the Combo Box
Step 3. Test the Combo Box
VFW052 Build a Working List of Selected Items
Step 1. Create the Weekly Command Handler
Step 2. Handle Selected Items
Step 3. Build a Dynamic Working List of Selected Items
Step 4. Build a Static Working List of Selected Items
VFW054 Edit Text in a Memo / Edit Box
Step 1. Create a Table to Store Employee Notes
Step 2. Create Brief Notes Command Handler
Step 3. Create the Command Handler Logic
Step 4. Implement Memo Box Copy/Paste Methods (Optional)
VFW056 Process a List in Sorted Order
Step 1. Create Sorted Command Handler
Step 2. Complete the Command Handler logic
VFW060 Using a Tree View
Step 1. Create Tree View Form
Step 2. Displaying Tree View Data.
Step 3. Add Fields to Tab Sheets and Item Got Selection logic.
Step 4. Fill the Tree View on Demand
Step 5. Add Icons to the Tree View
VFW062 A Tree View with Columns
Step 1. Create Form iiiVFW11 - Tree View with Columns
Step 2. Complete Form iiiVFW11 - Tree View with Columns
Step 3. Add Pop-Up Menu to Show/Hide Columns - Optional
VFW062 - Appendix A
VFW070 Create a Reusable Part Object
Step 1. Create Time Employed Reusable Part
Step 2. Implement Time Employed calculation in Employee Details Command Handler
VFW072 Create a Department Dropdown Reusable Part
Step 1. Create Department Dropdown Reusable Part
Step 2. Make the Reusable Part Useful
Step 3. Add Department Dropdown to Employee Details command handler
Step 4. Complete Command Handler to use Department Dropdown
Step 5. Document your Event and Property
VFW074 Create a Compound Reusable Part
Step 1. Create Department / Section Dropdown Reusable
Step 2. Make the Department / Section Dropdown Useful
Step 3. Modify Department Dropdown
Step 4. Implement the Compound Reusable Part
VFW080 Using an Explorer Component
Step 1. Create Employee Images File
Step 2. Create the Find Employee Image Form
Step 3. Make the Find Image Form Useful
Step 4. Create the Employee Image Command Handler
Step 5. Complete the Image Command Handler
Step 6. Plug In and Test the Image Command Handler
VFW082 Toolbars, Menus and Popup Menus
Step 1. Create Menu and Toolbars Form.
Step 2. Make the Menus Useful
Step 3. Add a Pop-up Menu to the Status Bar
VFW084 A Business Object Browser and Detailer
Step 1. Create Employee Skills Command Handler
Step 2. Create Business Object Detailer.
Step 3. Complete the Skills Browser
VFW090 Field Visualizations
Step 1. Define a Picklist for iiiGRADE.
Step 2. Define a Dynamic Picklist for SKILCODE
Step 3. Link Dynamic Picklists
Step 4. Implement Dynamic Picklists in By Location filter
Step 5. Create an AutoComplete Visualization for Surname
VFW090 Appendix A
VFW100 Define a Parent/Child Instance List
Step 1. Define New Business Objects
Step 2. Create a Hidden Filter for _Departments.
Step 3. Create a Relationship Handler to Load _Sections
Step 4. Access the Properties of Hidden Child Objects
VFW102 Field Visualizations in a Grid
Step 1. Define New Fields
Step 2. Create the Resources for Section Command Handler
Step 3. Create a Prompt Form for Employee Number
VFW104 Simple Keyed Collections
Step 1. Create the Employee Images for Section Command Handler
Step 2. Create an Employee Image Component
Step 3. Make Sections Business Object Visible
Step 4. Implement the Employee Image component.
Step 5. Record the Switch History using the Virtual Clipboard
Step 6. Use the Switch History to Return to the Original BO
VFW106 Using a List Collection
Step 1. Create the Employee Object.
Step 2. Create the Monthly Command Handler
Step 3. Create the Selected Employees Viewer
Step 4. Complete Monthly Command Handler
VFW110 Simple Drag and Drop
Step 1. Create Transfer Section to Department Command Handler
Step 2. Add Logic to the Transfer Sections to Department Command Handler.
Step 3. Test the Transfer Section to Department Command Handler
VFW112 Drag and Drop between Components
Step 1. Create Employee Payload Object
Step 2. Create Reusable Part Section Employees
Step 3. Create the Transfer Employees to Section Command Handler
Step 4. Complete the Section Employees Component
Step 5. Complete the Transfer Employees to Section Command Handler
VFW112 Appendix
VFW120 Using Hidden Commands
Step 1. Add Reverse as a Hidden Command for Employees
Step 2. Create the Reverse Command
Step 3. Plugin and Test Reverse Command
VFW122 Launching a VLF Window
Step 1. Extend Pop-Up Menu in Employee Image Object
Step 2. Enhance Employee Images for Section Command Handler
Step 3. Change Employee Details Command Handler
Step 4. Ensure Details displayed for first Employee
VFW124 Using Business Object SubTypes
Step 1. Create a Prototype Accounting Application
Step 2. Define Accounts Subtypes
Step 3. Create a Hidden Filter for iii_Accounts
Step 4. Create a Dummy Accounts Command Handler
VFW126 Using Space Objects (Optional)
Step 1. Create the Salary Command Handler
Step 2. Create the Employee Query Command Handler.
Step 3. Add Logic to the Employee Query Command Handler
VFW130 Set up the VL Framework for Client/Server Operation
Step 1. Enable Framework for Client/Server
Step 2. Check In Files to the Server
Step 3. Test the Framework in Client/Server mode
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