VFW062 – A Tree View with Columns
- A Tree View with a property of may have multiple columns.
- means that that the tree no longer creates a level per field, and instead, creates a column per field.
- The developer is now responsible for the level at which a tree item exists. This is governed by setting the property of a tree item to another tree item.
- The tree view will have one set of columns and your logic must initialize and populate these as appropriate for each level in the tree.
- A new tree item's parent must be set to the relevant parent. A null parent means that the item will appear as a root node.
- The parent is no longer governed by the data. It is a choice the developer can now make.
- Effectively, there is NO LIMIT to the number of levels.
Note: The parent of a tree item is completely dynamic. It can be set at any time
- To understand how a tree view can be defined and managed so that it displays columns as well as a tree view
- Your finished form will look like the following:
To meet these objectives you will complete the following steps:
Step 1. Create Form iiiVFW11 - Tree View with Columns
Step 2. Complete Form iiiVFW11 - Tree View with Columns