Step 1. Create Employee Skills Command Handler
VFW084 – A Business Object Browser and Detailer
This is the Business Object Browser, which will be referred to as the BOB.
1. Create a new
Employee Skills Browser.
Give the reusable part an ancestor of VF_AC010.
2. From the Raised. The defines two panels and .
tab, give the reusable part a manager. On the tab give this a of3. Select the left side Panel and change its LEFT_PANEL.
toChange the right side Panel's RIGHT_PANEL.
to4. Select LEFT_PANEL and give it an
manager.5. Drop a SKILL_LIST.
into the center of LEFT_PANEL. Change the List View's to6. On the
tab, select the file PSLSKL and drag and drop SKILCODE, GRADE, COMMENT and DATEACQ into the list view SKILL_LIST7. Select each column heading and change the
and as shown:
Field |
Property |
Value |
Caption |
Code |
CaptionType |
Caption |
Caption |
Grade |
CaptionType |
Caption |
Caption |
Comment |
CaptionType |
Caption |
Caption |
Date Acquired |
CaptionType |
Caption |
8. Create a
method routine, which redefines the ancestor method. Add logic to execute the ancestor method:Mthroutine Name(uExecute) Options(*redefine)
9. Add logic to get the current instance list entry and return AKey1.
Mthroutine Name(uExecute) Options(*redefine)
#avlistmanager.getCurrentInstance Akey1(#empno)
10. The SKILL_LIST list view will need to be built, initially when the command handler is invoked and also whenever the Business Object Detailer has added or changed an employee skill. Create a subroutine to populate the list view. Your code should look like the following:
Subroutine Name(buildlist)Clr_List Named(#SKIlL_LIST)Select Fields(#SKILl_LIST) From_File(pslskl) With_Key(#empno)Add_Entry To_List(#SKIlL_LIST)EndselectEndroutine
11. Execute the subroutine from the
method:Mthroutine Name(uExecute) Options(*redefine)
#avlistmanager.getCurrentInstance Akey1(#empno)
Execute Subroutine(buildlist)
12. Compile your new command handler.
13. Open your Framework and plug in iiiVFW18 as the command handler for
business object, command .14.
your Framework. Select an employee and then select the Skills 2 command handler tab. Check that the list view is populated as expected. Not all employees have skill records.
15. Close the Framework.