Step 2 Create the Reverse Command

VLF Windows Application Development

Step 2. Create the Reverse Command

VFW120 – Using Hidden Commands

1.  Create a new Reusable Part / Panel:

     Name: iiiVFW41

     Description: Reverse Hidden Command.

2.  Replace its code with the following:

Function Options(*DIRECT)
Begin_Com Role(*EXTENDS #VF_AC020)
* ==============================================================================
* Simple Field and Group Definitions
* ==============================================================================
Define Field(#REVSD) Reffld(#VF_ELBOOL)
Def_Cond Name(*REVSD) Cond('#REVSD *EQ TRUE')
* ==============================================================================
* Handle Command Execution
* ==============================================================================
Mthroutine Name(uExecute) Options(*REDEFINE)
* Do any execution logic defined in the ancestor
Invoke Method(#Com_Ancestor.uExecute)
* Get the Employee number of the current instance
Invoke Method(#avListManager.GetCurrentInstance) Akey1(#EMPNO) Acolumn3(#REVSD)
* Fetch information from the main file to fill in the header fields on the form
Fetch Fields(#SURNAME #GIVENAME) From_File(PSLMST) With_Key(#EMPNO)
* Put the names together in the reverse order
If Cond(*REVSD)
* Put the names together Given name first
Change Field(#UF_VisID2) To(#GIVENAME)
Use Builtin(BConcat) With_Args(#UF_VisID2 #SURNAME) To_Get(#UF_VisID2)
* Set the reversed flag
Change Field(#REVSD) To(FALSE)
* Put the names together Surname first
Change Field(#UF_VisID2) To(#SURNAME)
Use Builtin(BConcat) With_Args(#UF_VisID2 #GIVENAME) To_Get(#UF_VisID2)
* Set the reversed flag
Change Field(#REVSD) To(TRUE)
* Update the name (Visual ID 2) to the instance list
Invoke Method(#avListManager.UpdateListEntryData) Akey1(#EMPNO) Visualid2(#UF_VisID2) Acolumn3(#REVSD)


3.  Compile your reusable part and review the code:

a.  All hidden commands must have an ancestor of VF_AC020.

b.  The uExecute method, retrieves AKey1 and AColumn3 for the current instance list entry. Note that you may need to change this column number if your instance list already uses it to hold a different value.

c.  Fetches surname and givename for this employee number.

d.  Tests the value of the condition *REVSD which is checks if the value returned from AColumn3 is TRUE.

e.  Depending on *REVSD, VisualID2 is updated, with Surname first or Given Name first.

f.  Updates the current list entry, columns VisualID2 and AColumn3.