Calculate:Parameter Commands
Lists, creates, selects, and deletes measurements.
For application measurements, use Calc:Custom commands.
CALCulate:PARameter: | EXTended | EXTended | ALL MNUMber | [SELect] | EXTended |
Click on a keyword to view the command details.
Blue commands are superseded.
See Also
Critical Note: CALCulate commands act on the selected measurement. You can select one measurement for each channel using Calc:Par:MNUM or Calc:Par:Select. Learn more.
CALCulate<cnum>:PARameter:CATalog? Superseded
Note: This command is replaced with CALC:PAR:CAT:EXTended? which lists parameters with "_" instead of "," allowing the list to be parsed easily. This command will continue to work. (Read-only) Returns the names and parameters of existing measurements for the specified channel. Note: For Balanced Measurements: CALC:PAR:CAT? may have an unexpected behavior. Learn more. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurements to be listed. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
Examples |
Return Type |
String - "<measurement name>,<parameter>,[<measurement name>,<parameter>...]" |
"CH1_S11_1,S11" |
(Read-only) Returns the names and parameters of existing measurements for the specified channel. This command lists receiver parameters with "_" such that R1,1 is reported as R1_1. This makes the returned string a true "comma-delimited" list all the time. The returned string of this command is easily parsed and used to create measurements using the CALC:PAR:EXT command. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurements to be listed. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
Examples |
CALC:PAR:CAT:EXT? calculate2:parameter:catalog:extended? |
Return Type |
String - "<measurement name>,<parameter>,[<measurement name>,<parameter>...]" |
"CH1_S11_1,S11" |
CALCulate<cnum>:PARameter[:DEFine] <Mname>,<param>[,port] Superseded
Note: This command is replaced with CALC:PAR:DEFine:EXTended. This command will continue to work for up to 4-port parameters. (Write-only) Creates a measurement but does NOT display it. There is no limit to the number of measurements that can be created. However, there is a limit to the number of measurements that can be displayed. See Traces, Channels, and Windows on the PNA.
For Application Measurements see CALC:CUST:DEF You must select the measurement (CALC<cnum>:PAR:SEL <mname>) before making additional settings. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the new measurement. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<Mname> |
Name of the measurement. Any non-empty, unique string, enclosed in quotes. |
Parameter to be measured. Quotes are optional. For S-parameters: Any S-parameter available in the PNA For ratioed measurements: Any two receivers that are available in the PNA. (See the block diagram showing the receivers in YOUR PNA.) For example: AR1 (this means A/R1) For non-ratioed measurements: Any receiver that is available in the PNA. (See the block diagram showing the receivers in YOUR PNA.) For example: A For Balanced Measurements: First create an S-parameter measurement, then change the measurement using CALC:FSIM:BAL commands. See an example. For Applications see CALC:CUST:DEF. |
[port] |
Optional argument; For multi-port reflection S-parameter measurements: specifies the PNA port which will provide the load for the calibration. This argument is ignored if a transmission S-parameter is specified. For all non S-parameter measurements: specifies the source port for the measurement. |
Examples |
CALC4:PAR 'ch4_S33',S33,2 'Defines an S33 measurement with a load on port2 of the analyzer. calculate2:parameter:define 'ch1_a', a, 1 'unratioed meas calculate2:parameter:define 'ch1_a', ar1,1 'ratioed meas |
Query Syntax |
Not Applicable; see Calc:Par:Cat? |
Not Applicable |
CALCulate<cnum>:PARameter[:DEFine]:EXTended <Mname>,<param>
Note: This command replaces CALC:PAR:DEF as it allows the creating of measurements using external multiport testsets. (Write-only) Creates a measurement but does NOT display it. There is no limit to the number of measurements that can be created. However, there is a limit to the number of measurements that can be displayed. See Traces, Channels, and Windows on the PNA.
Note: For Application Measurements see CALC:CUST:DEF You must select the measurement using CALC:PAR:SELect before making additional settings. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the new measurement. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<Mname> |
(String) Name of the measurement. Any non-empty, unique string, enclosed in quotes. |
(String ) Measurement Parameter to create. Case sensitive. For S-parameters: Any S-parameter available in the PNA Single-digit port numbers CAN be separated by "_" (underscore). For example: "S21" or "S2_1" Double-digit port numbers MUST be separated by underscore. For example: "S10_1" For ratioed measurements: Any two PNA physical receivers separated by forward slash '/' followed by comma and source port. For example: "A/R1, 3" Learn more about ratioed measurements See a block diagram showing the receivers in YOUR PNA. For non-ratioed measurements: Any PNA physical receiver followed by comma and source port. For example: "A, 4" Learn more about unratioed measurements. See the block diagram showing the receivers in YOUR PNA. With PNA Rev 6.2, Ratioed and Unratioed measurements can also use logical receiver notation to refer to receivers. This notation makes it easy to refer to receivers with an external test set connected to the PNA. You do not need to know which physical receiver is used for each test port. Learn more. For ADC measurements: Any ADC receiver in the PNA followed by a comma, then the source port. For example: "AI1,2" indicates the Analog Input1 with source port of 2. Learn more about ADC receiver measurements. For Balanced Measurements: First create an S-parameter measurement, then change the measurement using CALC:FSIM:BAL "define" commands. See an example. Note: For Application Measurements see CALC:CUST:DEF |
Examples |
CALC4:PAR:EXT 'ch4_S33', 'S33' 'Defines an S33 measurement calculate2:parameter:define:extended 'ch1_a', 'b9, 1' 'logical receiver notation for unratioed meas of test port 9 receiver with source port 1. calculate2:parameter:define:extended 'ch1_a', 'b9/a10,1' 'logical receiver notation for ratioed meas of test port 9 receiver divided by the reference receiver for port 10 using source port 1 |
Query Syntax |
Not Applicable; see Calc:Par:Cat? |
Not Applicable |
CALCulate<cnum>:PARameter:DELete[:NAME] <Mname>
(Write-only) Deletes the specified measurement. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<Mname> |
String - Name of the measurement |
Examples |
'TEST' |
Query Syntax |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
(Write-only) Deletes all measurements on the PNA. |
Parameters |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
CALCulate<cnum>:PARameter:MNUMber[:SELect] <n>[,fast]
(Read-Write) Sets and returns the selected measurement for the channel using the Tr#. Most CALC: commands require that this, or CALC:PAR:SEL, be sent before a setting change is made to that measurement. Each channel can have one selected measurement. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement to be selected. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<n> |
Numeric - Measurement number. These are the same numbers you see in the “Tr1”, “Tr2” annotation next to the parameter name on the PNA screen. |
[fast] |
Optional. The PNA display is NOT updated. Therefore, do not use this argument when an operator is using the PNA display. Otherwise, sending this argument results in much faster sweep speeds. There is NO other reason to NOT send this argument. |
Examples |
CALC:PAR:MNUM 2 calculate2:parameter:mnumber:select 3,fast |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:PARameter:MNUMber[:SELect]? There is NO query available to determine if the FAST argument has been set. |
Return Type |
Numeric |
1 (Trace number when factory preset is performed) |
CALCulate<cnum>:PARameter:MODify <param> Superseded
Note: This command is replaced with CALC:PAR:MOD:EXT. This command will continue to work for up to 4 port parameters. (Write-only) Modifies a standard measurement using the same arguments as CALC:PAR:DEF. To modify an FCA measurement, use CALC:CUST:MOD. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. The selected measurement on that channel will be changed. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<param> |
Measurement parameter to change to. Use the same <param> arguments as CALC:PAR:DEF. |
Examples |
SYST:PRESET CALC:PAR:DEF "MyMeas", S11 CALC:PAR:SEL "MyMeas" CALC:PAR:MOD AR1 'changes the selected S11 measurement to an A/R1 measurement |
Query Syntax |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
CALCulate<cnum>:PARameter:MODify:EXTended <param>
Note: This command replaces CALC:PAR:MOD as it allows modification of measurements using external multiport testsets. (Write-only) Modifies a standard measurement using the same arguments as CALC:PAR:DEF:EXT. To modify an Application measurement, use CALC:CUST:MOD. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. The selected measurement on that channel will be changed. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<param> |
(String) New measurement parameter. Use the same <param> arguments as CALC:PAR:DEF:EXT. |
Examples |
SYST:PRESET CALC:PAR:DEF:EXT "MyMeas", "S10_1" CALC:PAR:SEL "MyMeas" CALC:PAR:MOD:EXT "a4b4,1" 'changes the selected S10_1 measurement to an a4/b4 measurement with source port 1 |
Query Syntax |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
CALCulate<cnum>:PARameter:SELect <Mname>[,fast]
(Read-Write) Sets the selected measurement. Most CALC: commands require that this command be sent before a setting change is made. One measurement on each channel can be selected at the same time.
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement to be selected. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
<Mname> |
String - Name of the measurement. CASE-SENSITIVE. Do NOT include the parameter name that is returned with Calc:Par:Cat? |
[fast] |
Optional. The PNA display is NOT updated. Therefore, do not use this argument when an operator is using the PNA display. Otherwise, sending this argument results in much faster sweep speeds. There is NO other reason to NOT send this argument. |
Examples |
CALC:PAR:SEL 'TEST' calculate2:parameter:select 'test',fast |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate:PARameter:SELect? There is NO query available to determine if the FAST argument has been set. |
Return Type |
String |
"CH1_S11_1" (Trace name when factory preset is performed) |
(Read-only) Returns the trace number of the selected trace. Select a trace using Calc:Par:Select. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the trace. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
Examples |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Not Applicable |
(Read-only) Returns the window number of the selected trace. Select a trace using Calc:Par:Select. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the selected trace. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1. |
Examples |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Not Applicable |
Last modified:
2-Sept-2014 |
Calc:Par:Def:Ext..Optional quotes |
23-Dec-2013 |
Added fast to select and mnum commands |
1-Aug-2013 |
Edited Calc:Par:Mod to all app meas |
10-Jul-2013 |
Added note about using EXT commands together. |
7-Mar-2012 |
Added 'for apps, use...' |
26-May-2011 |
Added TNUM and WNUM |
10-Feb-2011 |
Removed defaults from MNUM and CPS |
31-Oct-2008 |
Added Mnum select (8.33) |
19-Apr-2007 |
Added ADC meas |
9/12/06 |
New Extended commands. |