Guided 2-Port or 4-Port Cal

M9370A / M9371A / M9372A / M9374A / M9375A

Perform a Guided 2-Port or 4-Port Cal using SCPI

This example performs a Guided 2-Port or 4-port Calibration using ONE set of calibration standards or an ECAL module.

A measurement must first be set up with desired frequency range, power, and so forth, ready to be calibrated.

The SCPI commands in this example are sent over a COM interface using the SCPIStringParser object. You do NOT need a GPIB connection to run this example.

This VBScript (*.vbs) program can be run as a macro in the PNA. To do this, copy the following code into a text editor file, such as Notepad, and save it on the PNA hard drive as *.vbs.

Learn how to setup and run the macro.

See Guided Cal SCPI commands

See Other SCPI Example Programs

Dim app
Dim scpi
' Create / Get the PNA application.

Set app = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application")
Set scpi = app.ScpiStringParser

' To perform 2-port cal, Uncomment TwoPortGuidedCal()
' Then comment FourPortGuidedCal()

'Do 2-port Cal

'Do 4-port Cal


Sub TwoPortGuidedCal()
' Select the connectors

scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:conn:port1 ""APC 3.5 female"" ")
scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:conn:port2 ""APC 3.5 male"" ")
scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:conn:port3 ""Not used"" ")
scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:conn:port4 ""Not used"" ")
MsgBox("Connectors defined for Ports 1 and 2")

' Select the Cal Kit for each port being calibrated.

scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:port1 ""85052D"" ")

scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:port2 ""85052D"" ")

' To use an ECal module instead, comment out the above two lines

' and uncomment the appropriate lines below:

' Your ECal module must already be connected

' via USB to the PNA.

'scpi.Parse "sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:port1 'N4691-60004 ECal'"

'scpi.Parse "sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:port2 'N4691-60004 ECal'"

' Non-factory characterizations are specified as follows:

'scpi.Parse "sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:port2 'N4691-60004 User 1 ECal'"

' When two or more ECal modules with the same model number are connected

' also specify the serial number as follows:

'scpi.Parse "sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:port2 'N4691-60004 ECal 01234'"

' When Disk Memory ECal user characterizations are used,

' specify both the User char and the serial number as follows:

'scpi.Parse "sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:port2 'N4691-60004 MyDskChar ECal 01234'"


MsgBox("Cal kits defined for Ports 1 and 2")

' Initiate the calibration and query the number of steps
numSteps = GenerateSteps()
' Measure the standards, compute and apply the cal
End Sub

Sub FourPortGuidedCal()
' Select the connectors

scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:conn:port1 ""APC 3.5 female"" ")
scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:conn:port2 ""APC 3.5 female"" ")
scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:conn:port3 ""APC 3.5 female"" ")
scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:conn:port4 ""APC 3.5 female"" ")
MsgBox("Connectors defined for Ports 1 to 4")
' Select the Cal Kit for each port being calibrated.

scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:port1 ""85052D"" ")
scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:port2 ""85052D"" ")
scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:port3 ""85052D"" ")
scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:port4 ""85052D"" ")
' To use an ECal module instead, comment out the above four lines
' and uncomment these four lines and use the part number printed
' on your module (which in our case was N4431-60003), followed
' by the word 'ECal'.  Your ECal module must already be connected
' via USB to the PNA.

' see above for ECal options

'scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:port1 ""N4431-60003 ECal"" ")
'scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:port2 ""N4431-60003 ECal"" ")
'scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:port3 ""N4431-60003 ECal"" ")
'scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:port4 ""N4431-60003 ECal"" ")
MsgBox("Cal kits defined for Ports 1 to 4")


' Initiate the calibration and query the number of steps
numSteps = GenerateSteps()

' If your selected cal kit is not a 4-port ECal module which can
' mate to all 4 ports at once, then you may want to choose which
' thru connections to measure for the cal.  You must measure at
' least 3 different thru paths for a 4-port cal (for greatest
' accuracy you can choose to measure a thru connection for all 6
' pairings of the 4 ports).  If you omit this command, the default
' is to measure from port 1 to port 2, port 1 to port 3, and
' port 1 to port 4.   For this example we select to measure
' from port 1 to port 2, port 2 to port 3, and port 2 to port 4.
scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:thru:ports 1,2,2,3,2,4")

' Re-generate the connection steps to account for the thru changes
numSteps = GenerateSteps()

' Measure the standards, compute and apply the cal
End Sub

Function GenerateSteps()

' Initiate the calibration and query the number of steps
GenerateSteps =  scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:steps?")
End Function

Sub MeasureAndComplete(numSteps)
MsgBox("Number of steps is " + CStr(numSteps))

' Measure the standards
For i = 1 To numSteps
step = "Step " + CStr(i) + " of " + CStr(numSteps)
strPrompt = scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:desc? " + CStr(i))
MsgBox strPrompt, vbOKOnly, step

' Note: if you have set up a slow sweep speed (for example, if
' you’re using a narrow IF bandwidth) or you’re using ECal, and
' while a cal step is being measured you wish to have your program
' perform other operations (like checking for the click event of a
' Cancel button) and you’re NOT using the COM ScpiStringParser,
' you can use the optional ASYNchronous argument with the ACQuire
' command as shown in this commented-out line below.  The SCPI
' parser then will return immediately while the cal step measurement
' proceeds (i.e., the parser will NOT block-and-wait for the
' measurement step to finish, so you can send additional commands
' in the meantime).  So you can do “*ESR?” or “*STB?” queries to
' monitor the status register bytes to see when the OPC bit gets set,
' which indicates the cal measurement step has finished.  This OPC
' detection works for all of the PNA’s SCPI parsers except the COM
' ScpiStringParser.
'  “sens:corr:coll:guid:acq STAN” + CStr(i) + “,ASYN;*OPC”
scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:acq STAN" + CStr(i))

' Conclude the calibration
MsgBox ("Cal is done!")
End Sub  

Last modified:


edited for ECal options