Sense:Sweep Commands
Specifies the sweep functions of the analyzer.
Click on a keyword to view the command details.
See Also
Example Triggering the PNA using SCPI
(Read-only) Reads whether the specified channel is currently 'blocked' from sweeping. Learn more about the Mechanical Devices dialog. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1 |
Examples |
SENS:SWE:BLOC? sense2:sweep:blocked? |
Return Type |
Boolean 0 - No, the channel is NOT blocked. 1 - Yes, the channel is blocked. |
N/A |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:DWELl <num>
(Read-Write) Sets the dwell time between each sweep point.
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1 |
<num> |
Dwell time in seconds. This command will accept MIN or MAX instead of a numeric parameter. See SCPI Syntax for more information. |
Examples |
.1 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:DWELl? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
0 - (Note: dwell time set to 0 is the same as dwell:auto ON) |
(Read-Write) Specifies whether or not to automatically calculate and set the minimum possible dwell time. Setting Auto ON has the same effect as setting dwell time to 0. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1 |
<ON | OFF> |
ON (or
1) - turns dwell ON. |
Examples |
ON |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:DWELl:AUTO? |
Return Type |
Boolean (1 = ON, 0 = OFF) |
ON |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:DWELl:SDELay <num>
(Read-Write) Specifies the time to wait just before acquisition begins for each sweep. This delay is in addition to Dwell Time and the following two External Trigger delays if enabled.
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1 |
<num> |
Sweep delay in seconds. This command will accept MIN or MAX instead of a numeric parameter. See SCPI Syntax for more information. |
Examples |
.1 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:DWELl:SDELay? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
0 |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:GENeration <char>
(Read-Write) Sets sweep as Stepped or Analog. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1 |
<char> |
Choose from: STEPped - source frequency is CONSTANT during measurement of eah displayed point. More accurate than ANALog. Dwell time can be set in this mode. ANALog - source frequency is continuously RAMPING during measurement of each displayed point. Faster than STEPped. Sweep time (not dwell time) can be set in this mode. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:GENeration? |
Return Type |
Character |
Analog |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:GENeration:POINtsweep <bool>
(Read-Write) Turns ON and OFF point sweep mode. When enabled, the PNA measures both the forward and reverse parameters at each frequency point before stepping to the next frequency. Learn more. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1 |
<char> |
Choose from: ON or (1) - Enable point sweep mode. OFF or (0) - Disable point sweep mode. |
Examples |
SENS:SWE:GEN:POIN 1 sense2:sweep:generation:pointsweep off |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:GENeration:POINtsweep? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:GROups:COUNt <num>
(Read-Write) Sets the trigger count (groups) for the specified channel. Set trigger mode to group after setting this count. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1 |
<num> |
Count (groups)
number. Choose any number between: |
Examples |
10 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:GROups:COUNt? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
1 |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:MODE <char>
(Read-Write) Sets the number of trigger signals the specified channel will ACCEPT. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1 |
<char> |
Trigger mode. Choose from: HOLD - channel will not trigger CONTinuous - channel triggers indefinitely GROups - channel accepts the number of triggers specified with the last SENS:SWE:GRO:COUN <num>. This is one of the PNA overlapped commands. Learn more. SINGle - channel accepts ONE trigger, then goes to HOLD. Note: To perform simple, single-triggering, use SINGle which requires that TRIG:SOURce remain in the default (internal) setting. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:MODE? |
Return Type |
Character |
CONTinuous |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:POINts <num>
(Read-Write) Sets the number of data points for the measurement. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1 |
<num> |
Choose any number between 1 and the PNA maximum number of points. This command will accept MIN or MAX instead of a numeric parameter. See SCPI Syntax for more information. |
Examples |
51 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:POINts? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
201 |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:SRCPort <1 | 2> Superseded
This command is superseded. The Calc:Par:Def:Ext and Calc:Par:Mod:Ext can now optionally include the source port. (Read-Write) Sets the source port when making non S-parameter measurements. Has no effect on S-parameter measurements. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1 |
<1 | 2> |
1 - Source power comes out Port 1 2 - Source power comes out Port 2 |
Examples |
1 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:SRCPort? |
Return Type |
Character |
1 |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:SPEed <char>
(Read-Write) Sets and returns the state of Fast Sweep mode. Learn more about Fast Sweep. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1 |
<char> |
Fast Sweep mode. Choose from: FAST - turns Fast Sweep Mode ON NORMal - turns Fast Sweep Mode OFF (Normal Mode). |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:SPEed? |
Return Type |
Character |
NORMal |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:STEP <num>
(Read-Write) Sets the frequency step size across the selected frequency range. This effectively sets the number of data points. Available ONLY when Sweep Type = Linear. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1 |
<num> |
Frequency step size in Hz. Select any value up to the frequency range of the analyzer. |
Examples |
1e6 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:STEP? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
NA |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:TIME <num>
(Read-Write) Sets the time the analyzer takes to complete one sweep. If sweep time accuracy is critical, use ONLY the values that are attained using the up and down arrows next to the sweep time entry box. See Sweep Time. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1 |
<num> |
Sweep time in seconds. To select the fastest sweep speed, either send MIN as an argument to this command, or send SENS:SWE:TIME:AUTO 1. This command will accept MIN or MAX instead of a numeric parameter. See SCPI Syntax for more information. The MAX value will change based on point count, IFBW, and dwell time. |
Examples |
1ms |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:TIME? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
NA |
(Read-Write) Turns the automatic sweep time function ON or OFF. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1 |
<ON | OFF> |
ON (or 1) - turns the automatic sweep time ON. OFF (or 0) - turns the automatic sweep time OFF. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:TIME:AUTO? |
Return Type |
Boolean (1 = ON, 0 = OFF) |
ON |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:TRIGger:DELay <num>
(Read-Write) Sets and reads the trigger delay for all measurements in the specified CHANNEL. This delay is only applied while TRIG:SOURce EXTernal and TRIG:SCOP CURRent . After an external trigger is applied, the start of the sweep is delayed for the specified delay value plus any inherent latency. To apply a trigger delay for all channels (Global), use TRIG:DEL |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1 |
<num> |
Trigger delay value in seconds. Range is from 0 to 3 seconds |
Examples |
.003 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:TRIGger:DELay? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
0 |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:TRIGger:MODE <char>
(Read-Write) Sets and reads the trigger mode for the specified channel. This determines what EACH signal will trigger. Learn more. Note: Setting Point and Sweep mode forces Trigger:SCOPe = CURRent |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1 |
<char> |
Trigger mode. choose from:
Examples |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:TRIGger:MODE? |
Return Type |
Character |
Channel |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:TRIGger:POINt <ON | OFF> Superseded
This command is replaced with SENS:SWE:TRIG:MODE POINT (Read-Write) Specifies whether the specified channel will measure one point for each trigger or all of the measurements in the channel. Setting any channel to POINt mode will automatically set the TRIGger:SCOPe = CURRent. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1 |
<ON | OFF> |
ON (or 1) - Channel measures one data point per trigger. OFF (or 0) - All measurements in the channel made per trigger. |
Examples |
ON |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:TRIGger:POINt? |
Return Type |
Boolean (1 = Point, 0 = Measurement) |
0 - Measurement |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:TYPE <char>
(Read-Write) Sets the type of analyzer sweep mode. First set sweep type, then set sweep parameters such as frequency or power settings. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1 |
<char> |
Choose from: LINear | LOGarithmic | POWer | CW | SEGMent Note: SWEep TYPE cannot be set to SEGMent if there are no segments turned ON. A segment is automatically turned ON when the analyzer is started. |
Examples |
SENS:SWE:TYPE LIN sense2:sweep:type segment |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<cnum>:SWEep:TYPE? |
Return Type |
Character |
LINear |