
M9370A / M9371A / M9372A / M9374A / M9375A


Crosstalk is energy leakage between analyzer signal paths. This can be a problem with high-loss transmission measurements. Although the crosstalk specification of the analyzer is exceptional, you can reduce the effects of crosstalk by doing the following:

Other topics about Optimizing Measurements

Set the Sweep to Alternate

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Perform an Isolation Calibration

For transmission measurements, a response and isolation measurement calibration helps reduce crosstalk because the analyzer measures and then subtracts the leakage signal during the measurement calibration. The calibration improves isolation so that it is limited only by the noise floor.

Note: Isolation is never performed on a Smart (Guided) Calibration. Learn more.

Generally, the isolation error falls below the noise floor. So when you are performing an isolation calibration you should use a noise reduction technique such as sweep averages or reducing the IF bandwidth.