External Triggering

M9370A / M9371A / M9372A / M9374A / M9375A

External Triggering

External triggering is used to synchronize the triggering of the analyzer with other equipment.

  1. Overview

  2. How to make Trigger Settings:

See Also


Ready Signals versus Trigger Signals

A 'Ready for Trigger' signal is different from a Trigger signal. The ready signal indicates that the instrument sending the signal is ready for measurement. The instrument receiving the ready signal would then send a trigger signal, indicating that the measurement will be, or has been, made. Usually the slower instrument sends the trigger signal.

Meas (External) Trigger dialog box help

See how to access the Trigger Dialog

Trigger Ready and Trigger IN

The Trigger connectors are located on the front-panel.

These signals can be used when the VNA is communicating with a slow mechanical device. A material handler is very mechanical and takes a relatively long time to load and discharge parts. Here is how these signals work together to communicate:

  1. The VNA sends a 'Ready' signal when it is ready to make a measurement.

  2. The external device sends a trigger signal to the VNA when it is ready for a measurement.

Dialog Settings

To cause the VNA to respond to Meas Trig IN or Handler I/O signals, select External on the Trigger Setup tab, Source setting.

Also on the Trigger Setup tab, Scope setting, choose whether one external trigger signal will apply to ALL channels (Global) or one trigger signal per Channel. The following settings apply accordingly.

Main Trigger Input

Global / Channel Trigger Delay  After an external trigger is received, the start of the sweep is held off for this specified amount of time plus any inherent latency.

  • When Trigger Scope = Channel, the delay value is applied to the specified channel.

  • When Trigger Scope = Global, the same delay value is applied to ALL channels.

Source  The VNA accepts Trigger IN signals through the following connectors:

  • Trig In SMB (on front panel of module)

  • Backplane (on front panel of embedded controller to use backplane trigger lines)

Level / Edge  

Positive Edge  After the VNA arms, it will trigger on the next positive edge.

Negative Edge  After the VNA arms, it will trigger on the next negative edge.

Trigger Ready

Choose Polarity of the 'Ready OUT' signal.

  • Ready High - TTL High indicates the VNA is ready for trigger.

  • Ready Low - TTL Low indicates the VNA is ready for trigger (default setting).

See Also