Setup the Display using SCPI
This Visual Basic program:
Sets data formatting
Turns ON the Trace, Title, and Frequency Annotation
Autoscales the Trace
Queries Per Division, Reference Level, and Reference Position
Turn ON and set averaging
- Turn ON and set smoothing
To run this program, you need:
An established GPIB interface connection
See Other SCPI Example Programs
GPIB.Write "SYSTem:PRESet"
'Select the measurement
GPIB.Write "CALCulate:PARameter:SELect 'CH1_S11_1'"
'Set the Data Format to Log Mag
GPIB.Write ":CALCulate1:FORMat MLOG"
'Turn ON the Trace, Title, and Frequency Annotation
GPIB.Write "Display:WINDow1:TRACe1:STATe ON"
GPIB.Write "DISPlay:ANNotation:FREQuency ON"
'Autoscale the Trace
GPIB.Write "Display:WINDow1:TRACe1:Y:Scale:AUTO"
'Query back the Per Division, Reference Level, and Reference Position
GPIB.Write "DISPlay:WINDow1:TRACe1:Y:SCALe:PDIVision?"
Pdiv = GPIB.Read
Rlev = GPIB.Read
GPIB.Write "DISPlay:WINDow1:TRACe1:Y:SCALe:RPOSition?"
Ppos = GPIB.Read
'Turn ON, and average five sweeps
GPIB.Write "SENSe1:AVERage:Count 5"
'Turn ON, and set 20% smoothing aperture
GPIB.Write "CALCulate1:SMOothing:STATe ON"
GPIB.Write "CALCulate1:SMOothing:APERture 20"