New PXI Programming Commands

M9370A / M9371A / M9372A / M9374A / M9375A

New PXI Programming Commands

The following are new programming commands for PXIe release A.03.00. See What's New

CALCulate commands

Resets the currently-stored data points CALC:HOLD:CLEAr
Sets the type of trace hold to perform CALC:HOLD:TYPE
Returns the number of segments used in a limit test CALC:LIMit:SEGMent:COUNt?
Sets and reads the scope of Coupled Markers CALC:MARK:COUP:METHOD


Ground Loop De-embedding/Embedding commands

Sets and returns the Capacitance value CALC:FSIM:GLOop:DEEMbed:C
Sets and returns the Inductance value CALC:FSIM:GLOop:DEEMbed:L
Sets and returns the Resistance value CALC:FSIM:GLOop:DEEMbed:R
Turns ON or OFF De-embedding CALC:FSIM:GLOop:DEEMbed:STATe
Specifies the circuit model type CALC:FSIM:GLOop:DEEMbed:TYPE
Specifies the filename of the s1p file to load CALC:FSIM:GLOop:DEEMbed:USER
Sets and returns the Capacitance value CALC:FSIM:GLOop:EMBed:C
Sets and returns the Inductance value CALC:FSIM:GLOop:EMBed:L
Sets and returns the Resistance value CALC:FSIM:GLOop:EMBed:R
Turns ON or OFF Embedding CALC:FSIM:GLOop:EMBed:STATe
Specifies the circuit model type CALC:FSIM:GLOop:EMBed:TYPE
Specifies the filename of the s1p file to load CALC:FSIM:GLOop:EMBed:USER


CSET commands

Returns a list of error term names for the given Cal Set CSET:ETERm:CATalog?
Sets and returns the error term data CSET:ETERm:DATA


DISPlay commands

Sets and returns the X-axis position of the Limit Line Pass/Fail indicator DISP:WIND:ANN:LIM:XPOSition
Sets and returns the Y-axis position of the Limit Line Pass/Fail indicator DISP:WIND:ANN:LIM:YPOSition
Display marker symbols above trace or not DISP:WIND:ANN:MARK:SYMB:ABOVe[STATe]


SENSe commands

Returns a list of all name-value pairs in cal set SENS:CORR:CSET:ITEM:CATalog?
Add or change a name-value pair in the Cal Set SENS:CORR:CSET:ITEM[:DATA]
Sets and returns the ECAL over range state SENS:CORR:PREF:ECAL:OVERrange[:STATe]
Computes the error correction terms, turns Correction ON, and saves the calibration to an existing, specified Cal Set SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:ETER:COMPute
Sets the frequency step size across the selected frequency range SENS:SWE:STEP


SYSTem commands

Returns the maximum possible number of channels SYSTem: CAPability:CHAN:MAX[:COUNt]?
Returns whether or not the analyzer has FOM Opt. 080 installed SYSTem: CAPability:FOM:EXISTs?
Returns whether or not there is a receiver attenuator on the specified port SYSTem: CAPability:HARDware:ATTenuator:RECeiver:EXISTs?
Returns the maximum amount of receiver attenuation on the specified port SYSTem: CAPability:HARDware:ATTenuator:RECeiver:MAXimum?
Returns the step size of the receiver attenuator on the specified port SYSTem: CAPability:HARDware:ATTenuator:RECeiver:STEP[:SIZE]?
Returns the maximum amount of source attenuation on the specified port SYSTem: CAPability:HARDware:ATTenuator:SOURce:MAXimum?
Returns the step size of the source attenuator on the specified port SYSTem: CAPability:HARDware:ATTenuator:SOURce:STEP[:SIZE]?
Returns whether or not the specified port number has a reference bypass switch SYSTem: CAPability:HARDware:RBSWitch:EXISTs?
Returns the maximum specified frequency of the analyzer SYSTem: CAPability:PRESet:FREQuency:MAXimum?
Returns the minimum specified frequency of the analyzer SYSTem: CAPability:PRESet:FREQuency:MINimum?
Returns the maximum number of windows SYSTem: CAPability:WINDows:MAXimum
Returns the maximum number of traces per window SYSTem: CAPability:WINDows:TRACes:MAXimum?
Returns the maximum leveled source power setting SYSTem:CAPability:ALC:POWer:MAXimum[:LEVel]?
Returns the minimum leveled source power setting SYSTem:CAPability:ALC:POWer:MINimum[:LEVel]?
Returns a list of names of the internal DC receivers SYSTem:CAPability:HARDware:DC:RECeiver:INTernal:CATalog?
Returns the number of internal DC receivers in the analyzer SYSTem:CAPability:HARDware:DC:RECeiver:INTernal:COUNt?
Returns a list of names of the internal DC sources SYSTem:CAPability:HARDware:DC:SOURce:INTernal:CATalog?
Returns the number of internal DC sources in the analyzer SYSTem:CAPability:HARDware:DC:SOURce:INTernal:COUNt?
Returns a list of test port names SYSTem:CAPability:HARDware:PORTs:CATalog?
Returns the number of test ports SYSTem:CAPability:HARDware:PORTs:COUNt?
Returns a list of internal test port names SYSTem:CAPability:HARDware:PORTs:INTernal:CATalog?
Returns the number of internal test ports SYSTem:CAPability:HARDware:PORTs:INTernal:COUNt?
Returns the port number SYSTem:CAPability:HARDware:PORTs:PNUMber?
Returns a list of source port names SYSTem:CAPability:HARDware:PORTs:SOURce:CATalog?
Returns the number of source ports SYSTem:CAPability:HARDware:PORTs:SOURce:COUNt?
Returns a list of internal source port names SYSTem:CAPability:HARDware:PORTs:SOURce:INTernal:CATalog?
Returns the number of internal source ports SYSTem:CAPability:HARDware:PORTs:SOURce:INTernal:COUNt?
Returns the number of receivers in the analyzer SYSTem:CAPability:HARDware:RECeiver:INTernal:COUNt?
Returns the number of sources in the analyzer SYSTem:CAPability:HARDware:SOURCe:COUNt?
Returns the list of supported Noise Bandwidth values when using a noise receiver SYSTem:CAPability:NBW:NOISe:CATalog?
Returns the list of supported Noise Bandwidth values when using the NA receiver for noise measurements SYSTem:CAPability:NBW:STD:CATalog?
Returns the list of supported Resolution BW values for the IMSpectrum channel SYSTem:CAPability:RBW:IMS:CATalog?
Returns a comma separated list of either VISA address strings or aliases SYSTem:COMMunicate:VISA:RDEVice:FIND?
Sets or returns the timeout value for VISA pass-through commands SYSTem: COMMunicate:VISA:RDEVice:TIMeout?
Returns the system date SYSTem:DATE?
Returns front panel history SYSTem:HISTory:FPANel?
Returns SCPI history SYSTem:HISTory:SCPI?
Set and return whether the keys are displayed or not SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:KEYS
Set and return whether the Coupled Markers setting controls the ON|OFF state of coupled markers SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:MCControl
Set and return whether Coupled Markers is set to Channel or All after Preset SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:MCMethod
Set and return whether Coupled Markers is set to ON or OFF after Preset SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:MCPReset
Set and return whether to draw limits lines in Red SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:REDLimits
Set and return whether to treat marker 10 as a reference marker SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:REFMarker
Returns the system time SYSTem:TIME?



The following are new programming commands for PXIe release A.02.00. See What's New

PXIe Speed Enhancement commands

Set logic of the index line


Trigger multiple channels


Shared Memory Data Transfer commands


PXI Capability commands