System:FIFO Commands
The 4 GB FIFO data buffer is available with Option 118 on the PNA-X and N5264A. These commands control data in and out of FIFO data buffer. The FIFO can be emptied as it is being filled, which means that the PNA can be used to acquire an infinite amount of data.
The data placed into the FIFO is the raw data after averaging and ratioing has been applied, but prior to any calibration, formatting, or data analysis functions.
Click on a red keyword to view the command details.
See Also
FIFO and other Antenna Features
FIFO Example Program
SYSTem:FIFO:DATA? <dpoints>
(Read-only) Reads the next specified number of data points from the FIFO buffer. Each data point is returned as a real/imaginary pair. Data is cleared as it is read. |
Parameters |
<dPoints> |
Number of data points to read. An error is returned if the amount of requested data is larger than the available data. |
Examples |
SYST:FIFO:DATA? 1e6 system:fifo:data? 1e3 |
Return Type |
Use FORMat:DATA to change the data type (<REAL,32>, <REAL,64> or <ASCii,0>). For best results, use REAL,32 Use FORMat:BORDer to change the byte order. Use “NORMal” when transferring a binary block from LabView or Vee. For other programming languages, you may need to "SWAP" the byte order. Each data point is returned as a real/imaginary pair. |
Not applicable |
(Write-only) Clears the data from the FIFO buffer. |
Parameters |
None |
Examples |
SYST:FIFO:DATA:CLE system:fifo:data:clear |
Return Type |
None |
Not applicable |
(Read-only) Returns the total number of data points in the FIFO buffer. |
Parameters |
None |
Examples |
SYST:FIFO:DATA:COUN? ' returns 5.07e6 |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Not applicable |
SYSTem:FIFO[:STATe] <bool>
(Write-Read) Sets and returns the state of data storage to the FIFO buffer. Syst:Preset or an instrument state recall also ends storage to the FIFO buffer. The FIFO buffer is cleared when set to OFF. |
Parameters |
<bool> |
FIFO buffer state. Choose from: ON or 1 Data is stored in the FIFO buffer. OFF or 0 Data is NOT stored in the FIFO buffer. |
Examples |
SYST:FIFO 1 system:fifo:state off |
Query Syntax |
Return Type |
Boolean |
0 OFF |