Perform an Unguided Cal on a 4-Port PNA
This topic describes how to perform an unguided calibration on a multiport network analyzer using SCPI. The objective here is to make clear the relationship between the physical port on which a standard is being measured, the actual device in the cal kit, and the SCPI command used to acquire the device.
There are two sets of SCPI commands that acquire calibrations. One set is used for guided cal, the other for unguided. The SCPI commands that provide remote access to unguided cal are in the SENS:CORR:COLL block:
On a four port network analyzer, the remote programmer needs to be aware of the relationship between the physical port and the calibration kit class assignments. The example program (below) illustrates the usage by performing three unique 2 port cals, taking care to acquire the appropriate standards.
Calibration standards classes are ‘categories’ of standard types. To perform a 2 port calibration, the cal wizard requires the user to measure:
3 reflection standards on the forward port:
Class S11A typically an open
Class S11B typically a short
Class S11C typically a load
Likewise, 3 reflection standards are required for the reverse port:
Class S22A typically an open
Class S22B typically a short
Class S22C typically a load
There is also a transmission standard that is measured in both directions:
Class S21T typically a thru
The following illustrates the relationship between cal kit physical standards and calibration classes.
Here is a list of the physical devices in my calibration kit.
Standard #1 = "3.5 mm male short"
Standard #2 = "3.5 mm male open"
Standard #3 = "3.5 mm male broadband load"
Standard #4 = "Insertable thru standard"
Standard #5 = "3.5 mm male sliding load"
Standard #6 = "3.5 mm male lowband load"
Standard #7 = "3.5 mm female short"
Standard #8 = "female to female characterized thru adapter"
Standard #9 = "0-2 Load"
Standard #10 = "Open"
Standard #11 = "Non-insertable thru"
Standard #12 = "3.5 mm female lowband load"
Standard #13 = "3.5 mm female sliding load"
Standard #14 = "3.5 mm female broadband load"
Standard #15 = "3.5 mm female open"
When you perform a calibration remotely using SCPI, you don’t specify the device number directly. Rather, you specify the class you want to measure. Each device in the calibration kit is assigned to a class. And since more than one device can be assigned to the same class, each class contains an ordered list of devices. The class assignments are user-settable using the Advanced Modify Cal Kit dialog or the SCPI command:
SENS:CORR:COLL:CKIT:ORDer<class>, <std>, <std>, <std>, <std>,<std>,<std>,<std>
The 85052B kit used in the example program had the following standard list for each class: The list was obtained by issuing the corresponding SCPI query:
SENS:CORR:COLL:CKIT:OLIST1? S11A = +2,+15,+0,+0,+0,+0,+0
SENS:CORR:COLL:CKIT:OLIST2? S11B = +1,+7,+0,+0,+0,+0,+0
SENS:CORR:COLL:CKIT:OLIST3? S11C = +6,+5,+3,+12,+13,+14,+0
SENS:CORR:COLL:CKIT:OLIST4? S21T = +4,+8,+0,+0,+0,+0,+0
SENS:CORR:COLL:CKIT:OLIST5? S22A = +2,+15,+0,+0,+0,+0,+0
SENS:CORR:COLL:CKIT:OLIST6? S22B = +1,+7,+0,+0,+0,+0,+0
SENS:CORR:COLL:CKIT:OLIST7? S22C = +6,+5,+3,+12,+13,+14,+0
SENS:CORR:COLL:CKIT:OLIST8? S12T = +4,+8,+0,+0,+0,+0,+0
When you perform the calibration, you acquire data by issuing the ACQuire command:
SENS:CORR:COLL:ACQ <class>[, <subst> ]
For example:
The SFOR command tells the wizard to make the next acquisition in the forward direction. The ACQuire command specifies that we are measuring the 2nd device in the list for STANA. And since we are measuring SFORward, STANA refers to class #1 or S11A. The list of devices for this class are specified in the OLIST1 query above. The associations are shown in red.
Alternately, you could modify the device order for the S11A class to move device #15 into the first position (SENS:CORR:COLL:CKIT:ORDER1). When the desired device is in the first position, you needn’t specify the order number in the ACQuire command. The default is the first device in the OLIST. This worked well for two port network analyzers where the order for S11A,B,C classes were setup for port 1 and the order for S22A,B,C was set up for port 2. With the kit setup in the proper order, you could eliminate the specification of the substandard number (SST<n>).
When performing 2 port calibrations on 4 Port Network Analyzers, the wizard applies S11A,B,C standards to the lower numbered port, S22A,B,C standards to the higher numbered port. Since the two classes (S11A,B,C and S22A,B,C) are applied to multiple ports, the programmer must take into account the ports being measured and take greater care when specifying the ACQuire command to ensure that the correct device is being measured.
Port to class relationship
Ports |
S11A Port |
S22A Port |
1,2 |
1 |
2 |
1,3 |
1 |
3 |
1,4 |
1 |
4 |
2,3 |
2 |
3 |
2,4 |
2 |
4 |
3,4 |
3 |
4 |
The following example program shows one method of handling two port cals on a multiport network analyzer. The connectors at the measurement plane are assumed to be (1) male, (2) female, (3) male, and (4) male. In the example, three cals are performed: 1-2 (insertable male to female), 2-3 (insertable female to male), and 3-4 (noninsertable using an characterized adapter).
option explicit
public scpi
public pna
' assume a 4 port PNA with the following connectors:
' the standard measured on these ports will be the opposite gender
' PORT 1 = 3.5 male
' PORT 2 = 3.5 female
' PORT 3 = 3.5 male
' PORT 4 = 3.5 male
'To perform 2 port calibrations between 1-2, 2-3, and 3-4 you need to do the following
call main
sub main
set pna = CreateObject("AgilentPnA835x.Application")
set scpi = pna.ScpiStringParser
' select a kit to use for this demonstration
' kit #1 for the N5230A is the 85052B 3.5mm kit with sliding load
scpi.execute("SENS:CORR:COLL:CKIT:SELECT 1" )
PrintKitStandardInfo 1
PrintKitOlist 1
' --------------------------------------------
' CALIBRATE PORTS 1 and 2, insertable cal
' --------------------------------------------
wscript.echo "Calibrating ports 1 and 2"
scpi.execute("calc:par:sel CH1_S11_1")
scpi.execute("SENS:CORR:TST:STATE 0")
scpi.execute("SENS:CORR:SFOR 1")
MeasureFemaleStandards 1
scpi.execute("SENS:CORR:SFOR 0")
MeasureMaleStandards 2
MeasureTransmissionStandards 1,2
' --------------------------------------------
' CALIBRATE PORTS 2 and 3, insertable cal
' --------------------------------------------
wscript.echo "Calibrating ports 2 and 3"
scpi.execute("calc:par:sel CH1_S11_1")
scpi.execute("calc:par:mod S23")
scpi.execute("SENS:CORR:TST:STATE 0")
scpi.execute("SENS:CORR:SFOR 1")
MeasureMaleStandards 2
scpi.execute("SENS:CORR:SFOR 0")
MeasureFemaleStandards 3
MeasureTransmissionStandards 2,3
' --------------------------------------------
' CALIBRATE PORTS 3 and 4, non-insertable cal
' --------------------------------------------
wscript.echo "Calibrating ports 3 and 4"
scpi.execute("calc:par:sel CH1_S11_1")
scpi.execute("calc:par:mod S43")
scpi.execute("SENS:CORR:SFOR 1")
MeasureFemaleStandards 3
scpi.execute("SENS:CORR:SFOR 0")
MeasureFemaleStandards 4
MeasureAdapter 3, 4
end sub
sub MeasureMaleStandards ( portNumber )
dim portstr
portstr = formatnumber(portNumber,0)
Promptconnect1 1, 1, portNumber
scpi.execute("SENS:CORR:COLL:ACQ STAN1;*OPC?")
Promptconnect1 2, 1, portNumber
scpi.execute("SENS:CORR:COLL:ACQ STAN2;*OPC?")
Promptconnect1 3, 3, portNumber
scpi.execute("SENS:CORR:COLL:ACQ STAN3,SST3;*OPC?")
end sub
sub MeasureFemaleStandards (portNumber)
dim portstr
portstr = formatnumber(portNumber,0)
Promptconnect1 1, 2, portNumber
scpi.execute("SENS:CORR:COLL:ACQ STAN1,SST2;*OPC?")
Promptconnect1 2, 2, portNumber
scpi.execute("SENS:CORR:COLL:ACQ STAN2,SST2;*OPC?")
Promptconnect1 3, 6, portNumber
scpi.execute("SENS:CORR:COLL:ACQ STAN3,SST6;*OPC?")
end sub
sub MeasureTransmissionStandards( port1, port2)
dim p1str
dim p2str
p1str = formatnumber( port1, 0)
p2str = formatnumber( port2, 0)
Promptconnect2 4, 1, port1, port2
scpi.execute("SENS:CORR:COLL:ACQ STAN4;*OPC?")
end sub
sub MeasureAdapter( port1, port2)
dim p1str
dim p2str
p1str = formatnumber( port1, 0)
p2str = formatnumber( port2, 0)
Promptconnect2 4, 2, port1, port2
scpi.execute("SENS:CORR:COLL:ACQ STAN4,SST2;*OPC?")
end sub
' return the nth item in the comma separated list
Function GetItemNumber( list, n)
dim strVector
strVector = split(list,",",-1,1)
GetItemNumber = strVector(n-1)
end function
' remove the trailing newline from str
function chop( str )
dim tmp
tmp = str
' remove the appended newline
dim pos
pos = InStrRev(tmp,vblf)
if (pos >0) then
tmp = mid(tmp,1,pos-1)
end if
chop = tmp
end function
'return the label for the nth standard assigned to the class described by class_index.
' if class_index = 1, class is S11A (STAN1)
' if class_index = 2, class is S11B (STAN2), etc
function GetStandardLabel( class_index, nth)
dim olist
dim stdnum
dim resp
olist = scpi.execute("SENS:CORR:COLL:CKIT:OLIST" + formatnumber(class_index,0)+"?")
stdnum = GetItemNumber( olist, nth)
scpi.execute("SENS:CORR:COLL:CKIT:STAN " + formatnumber(stdnum,0))
resp = scpi.execute("SENS:CORR:COLL:CKIT:STAN:LABel?")
GetStandardLabel = chop(resp)
end function
sub PromptConnect1( class_index, nth, port)
wscript.echo "CONNECT " + GetStandardLabel( class_index, nth) + " to port " + formatnumber(port,0)
end sub
sub PromptConnect2( class_index, nth, port1, port2)
wscript.echo "CONNECT " + GetStandardLabel( class_index, nth) + " between ports " + formatnumber(port1,0) + " and " + formatnumber(port2,0)
end sub
' Print the order of standards per class for this kit
sub PrintKitOlist( kit )
dim i
dim cmd
dim resp
dim olistcmd
' list the sub standards for each of the following classes
for i = 1 to 8
cmd = olistcmd + formatNumber(i,0) + "?"
resp = scpi.execute(cmd)
wscript.echo cmd + "= " + chop(resp)
end sub
sub PrintKitStandardInfo( kit )
wscript.echo scpi.execute("SENS:CORR:COLL:CKIT:NAME?")
dim i
for i = 1 to 30
dim slabel
dim snum
snum = formatNumber(i,0)
scpi.execute("SENS:CORR:COLL:CKIT:STAN " + snum)
wscript.echo "Standard #"+snum+ " = " + chop(slabel)
end sub
The output from this program is as follows:
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.
"85052B 3.5 mm with sliding load"
Standard #1 = "3.5 mm male short"
Standard #2 = "3.5 mm male open"
Standard #3 = "3.5 mm male broadband load"
Standard #4 = "Insertable thru standard"
Standard #5 = "3.5 mm male sliding load"
Standard #6 = "3.5 mm male lowband load"
Standard #7 = "3.5 mm female short"
Standard #8 = "female to female characterized thru adapter"
Standard #9 = "0-2 Load"
Standard #10 = "Open"
Standard #11 = "Non-insertable thru"
Standard #12 = "3.5 mm female lowband load"
Standard #13 = "3.5 mm female sliding load"
Standard #14 = "3.5 mm female broadband load"
Standard #15 = "3.5 mm female open"
Standard #16 = "Open"
Standard #17 = "Open"
Standard #18 = "Open"
Standard #19 = "Open"
Standard #20 = "Open"
Standard #21 = "Open"
Standard #22 = "Open"
Standard #23 = "Open"
Standard #24 = "Open"
Standard #25 = "Open"
Standard #26 = "Open"
Standard #27 = "Open"
Standard #28 = "Open"
Standard #29 = "Open"
Standard #30 = "Open"
SENS:CORR:COLL:CKIT:OLIST1?= +2,+15,+0,+0,+0,+0,+0
SENS:CORR:COLL:CKIT:OLIST2?= +1,+7,+0,+0,+0,+0,+0
SENS:CORR:COLL:CKIT:OLIST3?= +6,+5,+3,+12,+13,+14,+0
SENS:CORR:COLL:CKIT:OLIST4?= +4,+8,+0,+0,+0,+0,+0
SENS:CORR:COLL:CKIT:OLIST5?= +2,+15,+0,+0,+0,+0,+0
SENS:CORR:COLL:CKIT:OLIST6?= +1,+7,+0,+0,+0,+0,+0
SENS:CORR:COLL:CKIT:OLIST7?= +6,+5,+3,+12,+13,+14,+0
SENS:CORR:COLL:CKIT:OLIST8?= +4,+8,+0,+0,+0,+0,+0
Calibrating ports 1 and 2
CONNECT "3.5 mm female open" to port 1
CONNECT "3.5 mm female short" to port 1
CONNECT "3.5 mm female broadband load" to port 1
CONNECT "3.5 mm male open" to port 2
CONNECT "3.5 mm male short" to port 2
CONNECT "3.5 mm male broadband load" to port 2
CONNECT "Insertable thru standard" between ports 1 and 2
Calibrating ports 2 and 3
CONNECT "3.5 mm male open" to port 2
CONNECT "3.5 mm male short" to port 2
CONNECT "3.5 mm male broadband load" to port 2
CONNECT "3.5 mm female open" to port 3
CONNECT "3.5 mm female short" to port 3
CONNECT "3.5 mm female broadband load" to port 3
CONNECT "Insertable thru standard" between ports 2 and 3
Calibrating ports 3 and 4
CONNECT "3.5 mm female open" to port 3
CONNECT "3.5 mm female short" to port 3
CONNECT "3.5 mm female broadband load" to port 3
CONNECT "3.5 mm female open" to port 4
CONNECT "3.5 mm female short" to port 4
CONNECT "3.5 mm female broadband load" to port 4
CONNECT "female to female characterized thru adapter" between ports 3 and 4