LabView NI Vision


Owning Palette: Machine VisionInstalled With: NI Vision Development Module

Use OCR VIs to develop optical character recognition (OCR) applications. OCR is the process by which the machine vision software reads text and/or characters in an image.

Palette Object Description
IMAQ OCR Create Session

Creates an OCR session and returns a refnum associated with the session.

IMAQ OCR Dispose Session

Disposes of the OCR session and frees the resources associated with this session.

IMAQ OCR Property

Gets and sets the value of the property specified by Property. You can use this polymorphic VI to set the value of an I32 property, a string property, or a Boolean property. The data type you wire to the Property Value input determines which polymorphic instance to use.

IMAQ OCR Threshold Data

Gets and sets the threshold data.


Assigns character values to the objects that NI Vision identifies in the image. The newly trained characters are appended to the existing trained character set. An image can contain no more than 255 objects.

IMAQ OCR Character Info

Retrieves information about the trained character at the specified index.

IMAQ OCR Rename Character

Renames the trained character at the index specified by Character Index.

IMAQ OCR Delete Character

Deletes a character from the trained character set at the index specified by Character Index.

IMAQ OCR Set Valid Characters

Specifies the characters that are valid for each character position in the image.

IMAQ OCR Read Character Set File

Reads a character set and session properties from the character set file specified by File Path.

IMAQ OCR Write Character Set File

Stores the trained character set and properties of the session in the file specified by File Path.

IMAQ OCR Verify Text

Verifies the accuracy of the text in the image.

IMAQ OCR Set Reference Character

Sets a character as the reference character for the character class. If the character class already has a reference character, the new character will replace the old character as the reference character.