External Library Support

LabView NI Vision

External Library Support

Owning Palette: Image ManagementInstalled With: NI Vision Development Module

Use the External Library Support VIs for additional external library functionality that is not provided by LabVIEW.

Caution  These functions are intended for advanced users. Improper use may result in hanging your application.
Palette Object Description
IMAQ GetImagePixelPtr

Obtains a pointer on the pixels of an image. This VI also returns information on the organization of the image pixels in memory. Example of IMAQ GetImagePixelPtr.

IMAQ CharPtrToString

Copies a C character string to a LabVIEW string. This VI can accept a char* pointer to get the associated string.

IMAQ MemPeek

Copies memory into a string.

IMAQ Get Window Handle

Returns the operating system handle to an NI Vision external display window.

IMAQ ImageBorderOperation

Fills the border of an image.

IMAQ ImageBorderSize

Sets the border size of the image and determines the current border size of the image.