Color Utilities

LabView NI Vision

Color Utilities

Owning Palette: Vision UtilitiesInstalled With: NI Vision Development Module

Use the Color Utilities VIs to manipulate the colors and color planes of an image. Use these VIs to extract different color planes from an image, replace the planes of a color image with new data, convert a color image into a 2D array and back, read and set pixel values in a color image, and convert pixel values from one color space to another.

Palette Object Description
IMAQ ExtractColorPlanes

Extracts the three planes (RGB, HSL, HSV, or HSI) from an image.

IMAQ ExtractSingleColorPlane

Extracts a single plane from a color image.

IMAQ ReplaceColorPlane

Replaces one or more image planes from a color image (RGB, HSL, HSV, or HSI). Only the planes connected at the input are replaced.

IMAQ GetColorPixelValue

Reads the pixel values from a color image.

IMAQ SetColorPixelValue

Changes a pixel value in a color image.

IMAQ GetColorPixelLine

Extracts a line of pixels from a color image.

IMAQ SetColorPixelLine 2

Changes a line of pixels from a color image.

IMAQ ColorImageToArray

Extracts the pixels from a color image or from part of a color image into a 2D array.

IMAQ ArrayToColorImage

Creates a color image from a 2D array.


Converts an RGB color value into another format (HSL, HSV, HSI, CIE L*a*b*, or CIE XYZ).


Converts an HSL, HSV, or HSI color value into an RGB color value.

IMAQ ColorValueToInteger

Converts clusters composed of three colors in mode (R, G, B), (H, S, L), (H, S, V), or (H, S, I) into colors encoded in the form of an unsigned 32-bit integer.

IMAQ IntegerToColorValue

Converts colors in the form of an unsigned 32-bit integer into a cluster composed of the three colors in mode (R, G, B), (H, S, L), (H, S, V), or (H, S, I).