Troubleshoot using the Design Checker

Microsoft Office Publisher 2003

Once you start the Design Checker, it continues to work in the background, even if you go to another task pane. This may affect performance in Microsoft Publisher. To stop the Design Checker running in the background, do the following:

  1. On the Tools menu, click Design Checker.
  2. In the Design Checker task pane, click Close Design Checker.

Some checks may also cause slow performance in Publisher, especially if the publication has a large number of pages. To increase performance, disable the following checks:

  • Object is not visible
  • Page cannot be reached from first page (Web publications only)


  1. On the Tools menu, click Design Checker.
  2. In the Design Checker task pane, click Design Checker Options.
  3. Click the Checks tab.
  4. Find the check you want to disable, and then clear the check box next to it. Repeat this step for all checks you want to disable.
  5. Click OK.