Tips for creating accessible Web sites
When you plan your Web site, it is also important to think about how to make your Web site accessible to a broad range of visitors, including those with disabilities. There are several things that you can do in Microsoft Publisher to make your Web site more accessible to people with disabilities, who may have to use accessibility aids to operate a computer.
The following tips list some things that you can do to create an accessible Web site:
Create alternative text for graphics or pictures
Alternative text is useful for people who turn off graphics or who use screen readers. Create alternative text for the graphics that you use on your Web site.
- Right-click the graphic for which you would like to create alternative text, and then click Format <object type>.
- Click the Web tab.
- Under Alternative text, type a brief description of your graphic.
Create a navigation bar to help your users locate information on your Web site. Navigation bars are available only if you are working on a Web publication.
- On the Insert menu, point to Navigation Bar, and then click New.
- In the Design Gallery dialog box, on the Objects by Category tab, click the navigation bar design that you want.
- Click Insert Object.
- In the Create New Navigation Bar dialog box, type a name for the navigation bar in the Name box.
- Under Insert Options, do one of the following:
- To insert the navigation bar on each of the existing pages of your publication, click Insert on every page.
- To insert the navigation bar on only the current page, click Insert on this page only.
- Under Automatic update, do one of the following:
- To update the navigation bar with links to all of the existing pages in the publication, select the check box Update this navigation bar with links to existing pages in this publication, and then click OK.
- To specify which pages should be linked on the navigation bar, clear the check box Update this navigation bar with links to existing pages in this publication, and then specify which pages you want to link in the Navigation Bar Properties
dialog box.
- In the Navigation Bar Properties dialog box, click Add Link.
- In the Add Link dialog box, under Link to, click Place in this Document.
- Under Select a place in this document, click the page that you want to link to the navigation bar.
- In the Text to display box, type the text that you want to appear on the navigation bar, and then click OK.
- In the Navigation Bar Properties dialog box, click OK.
Publisher adds links to the navigation bar for all of the pages that are set to be linked to new navigation bars.
Note Navigation bars with buttons are not accessible to users who must rely entirely upon a keyboard when using a computer. If you want to ensure that your navigation bar is accessible to a broad range of visitors, use a text-only navigation bar style.
If you want visitors to your Web site to be able to use the TAB key to move through and select the form controls on your Web site, you must create these form controls inline. If you create all of your form controls inline, your Web form will be accessible to those users with disabilities who must rely entirely upon the keyboard when using a computer.
- Insert a text box in the location where you want to add form controls. Form controls are available only if you are working on a Web publication.
- On the Objects toolbar, click Text box
- In your publication, point to where you want one corner of the text to appear, and then drag diagonally until you have the text box size you want.
- On the Objects toolbar, click Text box
- Click in the text box to get a cursor.
- On the Objects toolbar, click Form Control
, and then click the form control that you want.
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have inserted all of the form controls that you want.
You can insert form controls horizontally on the same line, or you can press ENTER after inserting each form control to arrange the form controls vertically.
If you have created a Web form on your Web site by adding form controls, make sure that all of the form controls have a brief text description that explains the function or purpose of the form control.
Create descriptive text for all hyperlinks
Make sure that the text for all of the hyperlinks in your Web site is descriptive. Hyperlink text should provide your visitors with a clear indication of the destination of the hyperlink.
Format your text and graphics so that the text on your Web site is easy to read
There are several steps that you can take to increase the readability of text on your Web site:
- Make sure that the font size for the main text on your Web site is at least 10 points in size.
- Make sure there is a high color contrast between the font colors that you use and the background color. For example, use a dark font color if your Web site has a light background color.
- Avoid busy background patterns that might interfere with the legibility of text.
- Use only Web fonts on your Web site. Web fonts have been designed or selected for easy screen readability.
Select from the following fonts:
- Arial
- Arial Black
- Comic Sans MS
- Courier New
- Georgia
- Impact
- Symbol
- Times New Roman
- Trebuchet
- Verdana
- Wingdings