Add an HTML code fragment to a Web page

Microsoft Office Publisher 2003

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Add an HTML code fragment to a Web page

Using your own HTML code fragment, you can add objects, such as counters and scrolling marquees, or scripts, such as VBScript, to your Web site.

  1. On the Insert menu, click HTML Code Fragment.
  2. In the HTML Code Fragment box, insert your HTML code fragment by typing or pasting from another source over the entire placeholder text.
  3. Click OK.

Your HTML code fragment appears as code in a frame on your Web page, and the result of your HTML code fragment appears when you preview or publish your Web page.

Security  If you use an HTML code fragment from an unknown source, it may cause performance or security problems for your Web site. For example, your Web pages might not load properly. Publisher does not check HTML code fragments for accuracy or security. If you are copying and pasting an HTML code fragment that is not your own, make sure that it is from a trusted source.